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Hoseok turned his gaze towards me, the intense look in his eyes would not end. He cupped my face with his warm hands and crashed his lips with mine. At first it was slow but gentle, but then he started biting my bottom lip asking for entrance. 

I gave him the permission. It grew more passionate and deep, as our love for each other grew the same. Without much hesitation, his hands went under my shirt as he started kissing my jawline and went down my neck. 

"H-h-Hoseok, p-please..." I tried not to moan, even though this was pleasurable.

He noticed the state I was in and immediately stopped. 

Both of us were tinted red, our breathing increased. Moments went by without any movement, none of us uttering a single word.

"Mina..." He caressed my cheek, placing the stray hair behind my ear.

"Mina?" He said, even more concerned.

I felt dizzy, the fever was kicking in badly. My face was heating up, and sweat was continuously pouring down from my forehead. My heart rate increased rapidly as I felt like I was about to faint. 

My mind playing the same crash scene over and over again. Never stopping. All I could see were the blaring headlights, and feel the pressure of the car hitting my being. I was being attacked from within.

<Hoseok's POV>


She was never like this. Sweat was pouring down from her forehead, and her body was heating up. I checked her heart beat; the rate was rapidly increasing. Her eyes were getting drowsy, they were about to roll back as she looked like she was going to faint. 

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" She was screaming her lungs out. Quickly, her hands grasped mine shaking for help.

Her breathing grew, beginning to gasp for air. 


In the hospital, I was waiting for the doctor and Jimin. Pacing around the waiting area outside the ER. Tears streaming down, I could not believe what had just been encountered. She was vulnerable without anyone to help her. I know I was there, but what could have I done? What if something more drastic had fallen upon her? What if......

'NO! NO BAD THOUGHTS HOSEOK!! That will NEVER happen!'

I mentally smacked myself. That will never happen as long as I'm alive.

Immediately the doctor came out the ER, hope seen in his eyes. I ran towards him all in a mess.

"Doctor! What happened? Is Mina okay?"

"Jung Hoseok correct?"


"Come into my office."

Weakly, I followed the doctor into his office.


"She's perfectly fine right now. But... she did suffer from major trauma. I believe what occurred was, she began to recall her accident, according to her medical history."

My heart skipped a beat. My Mina is suffering all because of me.

"What now doctor? I mean, what should I do?" With every word my voice trembled in fear for her.

The doctor pursed his lips and continued.

"This will continue to happen, but not for the rest of her life. Since she is regaining her memories amazingly after her accident, these traumas will continue. However, they won't be this serious. I have prescribed some medication that will reduce the pain and the time of occurrence of these moments. She needs someone by her side at all times."

I absorbed every word the doctor told me. This time I wasn't going to let her get hurt....nor will I ever.

"Another good news is, her fever went down almost immediately after treatment. Keep in mind; she must take this medicine twice a week in the morning, every time she gets these moments she will run a fever and have the symptoms of a drastic fever. Be by her side at ALL TIMES." He emphasized the last bit enough for it to be ingrained in my brain.

We stood up at the same time, he showed me out his office and to Mina's room.

I slowly walked into her room, her sleeping figure quietly sound. I checked the time, wondering where the hell Jimin was. Taking out my phone, I texted him that Mina was alright and to call me asap.

But I didn't know he would call me that quick. 


"Hoseok! Thank goodness she's okay. I was really worried..."

"Jimin, what happened? Why couldn't you come?"

"Hoseok, I never thought this would happen!"

"What is it Jimin?"

"Remember this; 050302. Mina can help, ok"

"Jimin? Jimin? JIMIN! Answer ME DAMN IT!"


What the hell was going on, I don't know. Somethings up,  Mina might know.

The sleeping angel woke up, startled by my actions. I ran to her and grasped her hands, holding onto her for dear life. 

"You-you're okay"

"Of course Hobi. Why wouldn't I be."




"You're not okay. What is it?"

"Now is not a good time Mina. You might suffer even more if I tell you."

"Alright, but you have to tell me soon. I can't see you hurt like this."

'I can't see you hurt Mina....but now you'll be more hurt if I tell you'



It's been a while hasn't it! So sorry peeps, school is just so FRUSTRATING!!!

I know this is a crappy chapter, again so sorry. I try to make them better, but it sounds like this story is taking a weird turn. I might divide this story into 2 parts so, that it all makes sense in the end. Please do keep up, and I will try to keep my end of the bargain by updating sooner. But again... SCHOOL IS JUST TOOO MUCH!

Thanks for the continued support! It means so much for a crappy writer like me.

Also (i really shouldn't be doing this, shame on me -_- ), do give my other BTS ff; The Masked Man, a read. I feel like that is a story worth reading. The chapters are extremely long for a purpose in that story, I want to complete it in as less chapters I can. My intention for that ff is to be quick!

Again, thanks so much for the support. Especially for a crappy writer like me!

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