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Taehyung was listening intently, understanding every word that came out of my mouth. Luckily the waterworks didn't happen again so, that is a good sign!

After I finished, Tae came over and gave me a pat on the back. 

"Yah, that's okay. Like Jimin said, I'm sure everything will make sense soon!" He pinched my cheeks and making cute aegyo faces while doing so. Ugh, why do all the guys treat me like a kid!

"Yah, I get it! I'm a kid!" My face looked all scrunched and squished up after he let go.

"Well, thanks for telling me. But as good friends sincere advice that I hope you heed, stay away from him." He got back to his serious tone.

"But how wi~" 

"I know you can't avoid him at work, but keep the relationship stagnate. Don't make any move and I'm sure he'll get the hint and back off." I nodded back in response. 

"Aish, it's eleven thirty! Go to bed punk!" He yelled, throwing a pillow at me. I chuckled back and closed the room door behind him.


Finally, it was Saturday! Like always it is the best day of the week. I got up, feeling exceptionally wonderful and went to check my phone. The home screen had two notifications; one from Jimin which looked urgent and one from an unknown number. However that unknown number looked familiar.

I got dressed in my usual lazy attire; crop-top and leggings, messy hair and my must needed glasses. 

I set my phone down on the table and went to make breakfast, when all of a sudden the front door swung wide open.

"GOOOOD MOOOORNING MINA! I went out to buy breakfast! Hope you didn't make anything?!" He seemed very eager today. I wonder what's special about today?

"Well, good morning Tae! No I didn't make anything. Why? What's special about today?"

"THE CARNIVAL IS IN TOWN!! CAN WE PLEASE GO!!??" Tae skid down on both knees and held out a begging pose, complete with everything; pouty face and fake tears! Gosh, I really hate it when he does this.

"YAH! What the hell man! Come, get up. Yes, we can go to the carnival." 

"OMO! Thanks Mina! But you pay, I bought the breakfast." Typical Tae.

"Sure Tae."

I turned around to grab some coffee when someone's phone began ringing. I look to see Tae immediately run to the back door outside. I was curious to see who it was so, I quietly creeped to the door without being seen and eavesdropped on the conversation.

"Really Jimin, you had to call now!" Tae whispered-yelled.

"Sorry, but this is more important than I thought. Did she check her phone yet?"

"No, I just saw and she didn't answer your text. Tell me now, is it completely true?"

The hell? Are they talking about me?

"According to the recent data files and evidence from the lab it is almost confirmed. They just need some of her DNA to test to see if it is completely accurate."

"So, you need me to get a DNA sample from her discreetly right?"

Should I check my phone? I won't ask Tae about this until tomorrow. What are talking about DNA sample for? Nah, I won't check my phone.

"Yup, but don't let her know about this until it is for sure. And make sure she doesn't look at the photo I sent, but if she did that's fine it's not like she'll know."

"Okay. I'll talk later, she must be worried about why I'm out so long."

"Right, bye Tae."

I realized that Tae was coming to the back door so, I ran to the kitchen skidding on my socks, maybe almost burning them. He came back and sat on the counter right next to my phone. I cleared my mind of what he and Jimin were talking about and brought the coffee to him. He seemed lost, his mind almost in another world. I stood in front of him waiting for a response, when all I got was him pressing the home button on my phone, lighting the lock screen.

I snapped my fingers in front Tae's face bringing him back to reality.

"HELLO! Earth to Tae! Everything okay Tae?"

Startled by my actions he aggressively nodded. "Yeah! Yeah, I'm fine. By the way, who is this unknown number?"

"Honestly I don't know but it looks familiar. It was there when I woke up, along with a picture Jimin sent, but I didn't check that yet."

With that, he snatched my phone, grabbed my hand to unlock the phone and went to my messages, deleting the picture Jimin sent.

"YAH! What was that for?" I yelled at him.

"Nothing. Here's your phone. Now! What say the carnival?!" I swear this guy confuses me every time.

"Okay, grab your stuff. Let's go."

I found the weather to be breezy so, I threw on a long sweater cardigan and red converses and walked out with Tae. 


The carnival isn't far from where we live so it was just a quick walk. I paid for the tickets, while Tae ran inside like a child with his alien box smile straight to the cotton candy. 

"Boyfriend?" The lady at the counter asked.

I gave a slight chuckle. "No, just my best friend."

"Ahh. Well you kids have fun!" She said.

I gave a nod and left with the remaining money I had. I walked up to Tae, who had already bought three bags of cotton candy while shoving some in his mouth. Aish, this kid can't stop can he? 

We were walking around the carnival saving the rollercoasters for last, when we spotted some familiar figures in the distance. Tae grabbed my wrist and ran all the way to the figures. 

"Ohh! Look whose here, it's Tae and Mina! Funny meeting you guys here." Jin was screaming back at us over the deafening sounds of screams and laughter. I saw that coming right behind him was a female. What do you know, it was Kristen, looks like Jin got himself a girl after all.

Right behind her, the rest of the gang was also present including...Hoseok.

"HEYY! Looks like the gang is all here!" Namjoon yelled. 

"I was forced to be here. I just wanted to sleep, but Namjoon here decided to ruin it" Suga was not pleased about being here, but the more the merrier.

We starting chit-chatting about random things and life, when in the corner of my eye I saw Hoseok catching glances of me while talking to Jimin and Tae. He had this unsure expression on his face with a sign of pity along with it. I shook the image of him out of my head and continued talking to Kristen about her relationship with Jin.

"Yah! Why don't we go on a rollercoaster as a group!" Jungkook chimed in.

We all agreed except Hoseok, and head to the biggest coaster there. I loved rollercoasters, they were always exhilarating. Hoseok here though did not think the same. We all went over, standing in line, when Kristen and Jin were dragging Hoseok to the line.

"Please guys! I really don't want to come, you know I hate rollercoasters! PLEase spare me my life!!"

"Oh, stop. Just man up and get in! It won't be bad." Jin threw Hoseok right behind me. I almost fell to the ground, when Hoseok's arms caught me from behind.

"Oh no! So sorry Mina!" Jin came over to make sure that I was okay.

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