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Tae and I jumped out the car, parked in front of the bar. I was super excited, this is my close-to-first party with friends, with alcohol! Don't judge, I was always that nerd in school so I never really attended any parties. However, alcohol... Tae and I would have some beer bottles somewhere in the fridge. That wasn't a big issue.

"Ready for your almost-first-party Mina!" Tae was always excited when we go to bars.

"Hell yeah, but you promised the soju for all of us so, don't forget that sir!" He gave his famous box grin and escorted me inside. 

It wasn't a night club, if that's what you were thinking....it was just a bar where friends come to hang out after work so, for me it was comfortable. We walked inside, and I was looking around for the guys. It probably took a good minute or so to spot them, since I didn't know them that well. When I found them, Namjoon gave us a wave and motioned us over. It looked like a great spot; close to the windows, under perfect lighting, and comfy bar-stools. I smiled and waved back, giving a walk forwards with Tae.

"Hey Mina! How have you been? How was your first day?" Namjoon asked eagerly.

I gave a slight chuckle and sighed. "Hm...I'm good, as for first day....you could say VERY stressful." I emphasized the very because in all honesty, IT WAS.

"BUT," I started breaking all the little chatter going on. "But, before we get on about my day, how about some proper introductions?!" I clasped my hands together and waited. 

"I'll go grab the drinks." Tae said and left.

"Alright, hello Mina, my name in Kim Namjoon or just Namjoon. I am the fourth oldest and I work with your buddy Tae in marketing."

"Nice to meet you Namjoon!" This was so exciting, I've never had this many friends before. Again, don't judge...I said I was that nerd.

"Hello Mina. My name is Kim Seokjin or just Jin. I am the oldest, I work in financials, and I am the MOST handsome guy here as you can see!" Well he definitely brought the handsome face along. I giggled at his 'most handsome' remark. He look unsatisfied with my response but he just shrugged it off.

"Hey there beauti~ I mean Mina!" I knew exactly who this was. The playboy of the group, the arrogant little one. "I'm Jeon Jungkook, but I'm sure you knew that because we already met." All the guys gave him a certain look. If I had read correctly their faces should have been saying, 'you freakin little ass, when did you meet her already...such a playboy!' He cleared his voice to bring everyone back to reality. "Yeah so like I was saying, I'm the youngest one and work in financials along with Jin hyung here." He gave a sinister smile. I disliked this boy... A LOT.

SLAM! Someone's hand slammed the table, looks like he was fed up with this crap.

"Yah, Jungkook we don't need your dumb shit right now." Whoa, this guy is mysterious and tough... I like his personality. 

"Hey Mina. The names Min Yoongi. Either Yoongi or Suga will cut it for me. I'm the third oldest, and always tired. I'm surprised myself how I got this job in software. It still gets to me to this day. Just one piece of advice for you; don't annoy me in any way shape or form."

"Uh...will do..um..Suga?" He nodded approvingly.

"Hello Mina! Nice to meet you once again! The name is Park Jimin but you already knew that from our little encounter today. Hope we become better friends later on!" He took my hand and shook it. Such a wonderful gentleman! He's my favorite so far...

"Oh! I forgot to mention, I am the third youngest, work on step above your boss, Jung Hoseok. I am the founders or CEO's son." Those words hit my hard in the chest. He...was...the CEO's...SON!! Oh MY GOODNESS.

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