You Asked, I Answered!

Start from the beginning

2. Write something that you like writing about! It's simple; don't write something that you personally wouldn't be interested in reading. Think of it this way-- If you don't like eating chocolate cake, would you bake one just for the hell of it? Probably not.(Okay, that was a weird metaphor, maybe I'm just hungry). You'd bake something that you actually enjoy eating. The same goes for writing a story: don't write in a genre that you don't like. You're going to get bored of writing it resulting in others being bored reading it because you didn't put in your full effort. The point of writing a story is to enjoy the process and to be proud of the end product :)

3. This kind of relates to the last tip, but write for the right reasons! If your end goal is to just become a famous author and get lots of reads, you're going to be disappointed. Simply put: write because you're passionate about it.

4. Don't let negativity affect you. There's always going to be that one negative Nancy whether it's a family member who doesn't support your dreams, or just a random stranger who comments something mean on your story but you can't let that bring you down. Everyone has their own opinions, and some just like to voice them out loud and although they may be hurtful and discouraging, know that there's always so many more people than them who aren't like that. Don't feed into the negativity and let the haters win. Work hard, and prove them wrong darling <3 "Those who spend their time looking for faults in others, usually spend no time in correcting their own."

4. Do you have any book ideas on standby that you plan to start after this?

Kind of. I've  got a few things in mind, but I don't know when I'll really have the time to put them into action. My life's been starting to get pretty busy lately with me going into higher grades, and I'm at that crucial point  where it's make or break. I can't promise that there will be any new stories out soon, but I'm working really hard to start another book sometime in 2018. I want to make sure that the next one will be better planned out that Chasing After The PA was, so that'll take some time :) Don't worry though! This won't be the last you see of me ;)

5. Will there be a sequel?

Probably not. I'm quite happy with where Hunter and Payton's story ended and I like to think that they lived happily ever after with lots of doggos, and children :)

6. Will there be bonus chapters?

Yes, absolutely! Although there won't be a sequel, I'll be posting a few bonus chapters now and again in this book :) *cough* *cough* Christmas *cough* *cough* So look out for those!

7. Can you write a short story of Payton and Hunter while she's pregnant?

Unfortunately, there probably won't be a another book just for Hunter and Payton but as I stated, there will be bonus chapters and who knows... Maybe there'll be a few for that ;)

8. Did you have writer's block while writing this book?

Hahahahahah, does a bear live in the woods?

9. How do you get over writer's block?  (Tips?)

I like to just listen to some music when I'm blanking on what to write and it usually gets my creative juices flowing. If you really are having a hard time on coming up with ideas though, don't get frustrated, just take a breather. Sometimes, you think so hard on something that you end up just burning a hole through your brain. Do something else that you enjoy, take a walk, play with your pets or watch TV! Sometimes your mind just needs a rest before it can start up a again.

10. Do you ever think of changing your cover?

I have thought of doing so, but I've become pretty attached to the one that I have already lol. I made it myself and although it's not the best, I'm still proud of it :)

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