Chapter 17--Double The Trouble Like Jessie And James

Start from the beginning

Vincent goes off to introduce me to all his friends. They're all staring at me like I'm a freak show. Weirded out yet intrigued. Sounds about right though. "You look familiar," One of the guys says to me.

"Lo was at the soccer game," Vincent pitches in for me. I lean back in the booth. Whenever someone locks eyes with me I give them a blank stare. The last thing they need is to see fear or any emotion at all really. Vincent's friends all chorus in recognition.

"You had some pretty sick moves," One guy nods his head in approval and they all fall behind.

"No but," The original guy snaps his fingers like he's got it. "Holy shit, you're Logan Williamson."

"Fuck," Another one laughs in realization. They all suddenly stare at me like I'm a celebrity. Excitement suddenly flickering in their wide eyes. "You should buy the next round."

My stomach and mood instantly sinks. I don't even want to deal with people looking at me like I'm an idol. Yeah, my father is Henry Williamson, who cares. I start feeling the itch to walk away. That's usually what I do. I get up and walk away. But I glance at Vincent who starts glaring at his friends. He shakes his head softly at his friend and I frown.

Is Vincent...defending me?

"Don't listen to them," Vincent says to me. He waves his hand up to get the attention of a nearby waitress/bartender. She makes her way over as Vincent says, "They're just jealous because all the girls they know are fantasizing about you after they saw you dance at the soccer game."

A few of them groan and Johnny starts to laugh. I glance at Johnny who only nods his head and says, "Vincent's right. Penny's sorority hasn't shut up about you."

Oh, I piece together. Johnny must be Penny's boyfriend. I remember Harper mentioning something about that.

"What can I get you all?" The woman asks us. All the guys start ordering different beers and whatever is on tap. They display their fake ID's. I can't help but feel superior. I'm so glad my fake ID days are over.

By the time the bartender looks at me I push a smile, "Just a root beer."

She gives me a flirty smile like she finds my choice hilarious and adorable. Then she turns on her heels and heads back towards the bar. I glance at the guys who are all looking at me like a third eye has grown on my forehead. Vincent is chuckling beside me and he even claps me on the back, "Nice."

"Are you on probation?" One guy asks me completely bewildered. "Or did you lose your fake?"

"I'm twenty-one," I tell him with a pushed smile. "And surprisingly I've never even gotten a parking ticket. Besides, I drove here."

"Your friend's weird Vincent," Some guy laughs. The drinks arrive and he takes his beer bottle raising it up for a toast. "To the newbie weirdo."

"Now let's get wasted," Another starts to chug down his beer.

I realize half way through the night that this group of guys is split down the middle. There's Vincent, Johnny, and someone else who all have girlfriends. Then there's the single guys. They keep on trying to flirt with girls at the bar. Sometimes, they'll get a phone number, but for the most part they're turned down. Probation Dude got slapped across the face for whatever pick up line he laid down. It was the first time all night I actually laughed.

After the first bar, the group all moved to another place. And that's what the night consisted of. This group of guys moving from bar to bar. The taken men—like Vincent—stuck to the music and drinks. The single men either got home runs or struck out. But by the end of the night, the only guys left are the ones with girlfriends and me.

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