Chapter - 5

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Suddenly, the glass of juice slipped from Lara's hand, crashing to the ground.

"What happened, Lara? Are you okay?" Smyth inquired.

"Will you please leave me alone for a while? Just for a few minutes," Lara pleaded.

"But what has happened..."

"Please, Smyth."

"Okay, fine."

Lara hurriedly exited the cafeteria, making her way towards the auditorium. After waiting for a brief moment, Smyth followed her.

In the Auditorium,

Quietly, Smyth opened the auditorium door and stepped inside, searching for Lara. After a few minutes of searching, he found her in a corner, tears streaming down her face. He approached her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. At his touch, Lara halted her sobbing and wiped away her tears.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Lara asked.

"Yes, that's the point, what are you doing here?"

"Nothing, I was just sitting here, and nothing."

"Oh, please, stop it. You know you're a terrible liar. Tell me what happened."

"Your hand is very cold."

"Oh, that? I was holding a glass of cold water; that's why. But don't change the topic; tell me what happened."

"I just got a flashback of my family in my head, but I'm fine now."

"Is there something bad or...?"

"Okay, so listen now. I used to live in the nearby town of Chronical, where my parents, my grandmother, my sister, and I lived together happily. We were a perfect family and had a lot of fun together. But on my 8th birthday, everything changed."

"But why? What happened on your 8th birthday?"

"There was blood everywhere on the floor. They... their lifeless bodies were sprawled on the ground, and... I still don't know what happened. I was hiding in a corner from a black-masked man with a bloody sword. It felt like he knew I was there, but he didn't kill me. I was just sitting silently in the corner with my hands over my mouth. That day changed everything; everything was over, everything was finished."

"I'm so sorry, Lara, but..."

"My parents..."

Hello friends,
How are you? I know you were enjoying. First of all, A very Happy Diwali to all of you. May the blessings of Lakshmi and Ganesha fills up your life with peace, prosperity, happiness and health.
I hope you were enjoying my story. And if so please please please don't forget to brighten it with a star, just below. Please do more and more comments as you can.
And what do you think about Lara's family.? What do you think has happened to them?
Keep on thinking.
Till next update.
Love u all. 💖💖💖💖💖

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