Twenty-one mood: Ok

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"So what kind of party did you guys have while I was gone?" Ray says laughing and walking into my apartment. 

"A waffle eating one." I say pointing to my plate of waffles. "You know waffles are really just pancakes with abs." I say because it's true. 

Ray laughs and shakes her head at us before taking a seat in the kitchen and stealing a waffle. "Wow Jack these waffles are really good." I tell Jack. I don't eat a lot of waffles but these are definitely the best ones I've had in a long time. 

I eat the rest of my waffles at a fast pace not wanting the yummy taste to leave my mouth for a second. Jack laughs slightly at my childish behavior. "Thanks." He says before taking a seat and eating a few of his own waffles. 

"Waffle fest." I mumble under my breath. What it sounds like a good idea! Just a day dedicated to eating waffles. Sounds great doesn't it? 

Daniel walks in and steals the last waffle. He sits down next to Ray and begins to eat. After a few bites his phone makes a dinging sound and he pauses his eating. After looking at his phone he swallows and looks up at us. "Hey the rest of the guys will be here soon so we better eat fast or their get jealous." He says with a laugh at the end. 

I nod and finish eating up my waffles. After I finish I take my dishes to the sink and wash my plate before washing the rest of the dishes Jack used to make the waffles including the waffle maker. 

Jack is next to finish and he brings his over and begins to rinse it off. "Here I'll get it." I tell him with a small smile before taking his plate and fork from him. 

"Thanks." He says sitting back down. Ray looks at me and wiggles her eyebrows. Of course she thinks I'm flirting with him. He was kind enough to stay over at my house and make waffles the least I can do is clean up! I swear Ray is so clueless sometimes. 


After waffle fest we all sat down on my couch and turned on the TV. The first thing that comes on is sponge bob....oops that's embarrassing. "So what do you guys want to watch?" I ask quickly turning sponge bob off. 

"Either barbie life in a dream house or sponge bob." Jack says in a joking manner. I laugh.

"Sponge bob it is." I turn sponge bob on and set the remote down.  By the middle of the episode I was getting distracted by my mind. I find myself staring at Jack and zoning out multiple times. 

I look down at my phone trying to stop staring at the curlies and send Liam a text. 

Me: Hey you busy?

Lele: Yea I'm kinda at work....sorry

Me: It's all good ttyl

Lele: love ya

I put away my phone and look up to see Jack staring at me with a smirk....oh no. He pulls the couch pillow from behind his back and wacks me with it. Oh two can play  that game. I grab the other couch pillow from near my legs and wack Jack over the head with it. 

Moody -Jack Averyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن