Nineteen Mood: Sad

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I push open the heavy door. I never thought I'd be here doing this. I always told myself to just let go and never enter this place again but here I was entering and dreaming of what it would be like to reopen the place. 

"Wow." Jack says looking around the building. It was just how I left it. The checkered floor and the cute booths....Though it's a bit dustier then I remember. 

"It used to be such a friendly environment. My dad could tell you the name of every costumer in the place." I say turning to look at Jack who was already looking at me. I turn to the light switch and pray it will turn on so it won't be so dark. 

After my short prayer I flip the switch and to my amazement it turned on. The whole place was light up like a Christmas tree. If I was being honest with myself I missed this place. I missed playing in the back, I missed helping my dad make pancakes, I missed every bit of it. 

My feet take me behind the counter and into the back where I spent most of my childhood. Jack follows close behind and begins to talk. "Mind telling me the story?" He asks. I nod and take a seat on the floor in the same spot where I used to sit and play barbies. Jack sits across from me and gives me a small smile as if to tell me everything would be ok.

I've never opened up and told all of this to anyone....but I guess I have to start with someone. 

"Well my dad used to own this place and work here for as long as I can remember. It was the best place you could imagine it always smelt like chocolate and pancakes." A small smile forms on my face as I recall the smell. 

"I would come here every day either after school or whenever I wanted on weekends. I would sit on a stool and my dad would come over and greet me with a plate of chocolate covered pancakes." 

"He would ask me how my day was and stay to listen. Sometimes he would tell me everyone's names in the whole place he was cool like that. Once there was a lady named Mrs Roseshin who's husband had died a few weeks ago so my dad let me take pancakes to her on the house."

"As I grew older I learned all the usual costumers names and orders I would even help my dad make pancakes sometimes but we also made bacon, eggs, and waffles. Well.....When I turned eight he passed away." I say wiping my eyes. 

Jack pulls me into a tight hug and whispers things like 'it will all be ok' in my ear. "W-well then my mother was just going to put the building up for sale but she couldn't get up the nerves to sell it. So she opened back up but it wasn't the same. It was like a dark cloud surrounding the whole place."

"So eventually she gave up on the place and closed it down.....Though she never got up the nerves to sell it. After a while I would steal the keys and sneak down here after school. It felt like a piece of my dad you know?" 

"I would enter the empty building and just be free. It was like my escape from life. It always had been. Well after a while my mom found out about my little visits to here and she told me I was living in the past and I needed to let go and forget about my dad. If anything that just made me hold on tighter."

"I didn't want to forget......I don't want to forget. He was my world my up from down and I was just supposed to let him go? How's that logical?" Jack Inhales deeply. 

"I think you should open the place back up." He tells me with a huge grin. "I-I don't think I can even if I wanted too." I tell him. It was true I probably wouldn't get any costumers or even get a life. 

He was about to say something but I spoke before he could. "I-I should stop coming here. I haven't in ages and I shouldn't have come tonight." I say as the tears start to fall. I stand up and so does Jack. I forcefully shove the key in his hand. 

"Keep this." I tell him before quickly leaving not bothering to see if Jack follows me out of stays. After getting my skate board I hurry out of there and back to my apartment. 

Moody -Jack AveryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora