Seventeen mood: Normal

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"Oh come on! How long-" Jack gets cut off by my manager yelling at me. "Violet quit flirting with the guys and get back to work!" I don't even respond i just walk back to the back and wash some dishes.

After eating their food the guys left. So like a good employ I am I go over to wash down the table. On the table sat a piece of paper with my name scribbled on it. I take the piece of paper off the table and quickly unfold it. 

Hey, Violet I meant to give you my number last night so we could hang out more but forgot to so here 225-711-8953 -Daniel

I roll my eyes smooth Danny boy smooth. I shove the paper in my pocket and wipe down the table. Geez these boys leave a BUNCH of crumbs.  

The bell on the door rang and I looked up to see who entered. There stood Felix with some new chick. I wanted to scream and cry and and and rip his head off all at the same time. I quickly go into the back and pull out my phone. 

I go to grab the paper out of my pocket but realize it must have fallen out while washing tables. I ninja crawl out of the back to see where it landed. That's when I noticed Felix about to pick it done for. 

I stand up and walk over to him. I rip the paper out of his hands and go to smack his ugly little face, but he catches my hand and has the stupidity to talk to me and pretend like were friends. "Hey Violet been a while." I send him a glare. "Not long enough." 

He laughs it off. Wrong move nincompoop. "Go laugh at someone else no one misses you or wants you here. Best of all no one here will give you food." I tell him with a smirk. It was true it was just me, Liam, and Ray today and NONE of us would ever serve food to a trash can. 

His eyes widen in shock. I guess he didn't realize I have a brat mode....his loss. I take the paper into the back and put in the number Daniel gave me. 

Me: Hey stranger this is an alien who's friends with Sherlock Homes speaking. 


I laugh. Why was it the weirdos could always make me smile?

Me: Yep

Daniel: Hey everyone else is asking for your number mind if i leak it?

Me: I'm laughing rn and yea go right ahead

Daniel: K 

885-723-6779: Hey Violet this is Jack

Me: Ohhhh were you the one demanding my phone number barbie buddy? 

Jack: maybe.....

Me: 1 sec im changing your name. 

*Violet has changed Jack's name to barbie buddy*

Barbie buddy: gee thanks

Violet: Np

I got back to work and realized Felix was still here with the chick. They were just sitting and talking like they owned the place. I roll my eyes and get back to work. After twenty minutes of them I was sick to my stomach. I mean if you had to watch your ex make out with some girl you'd be puking too!

I got sick of it. Memories of us together flash through my head and make me want to throw up ON them. I should go to the pancake house tonight. Maybe I should take someone with me in case theres a huge murderous spider....

Me: Hey meet me at the pancake house at 8

Moody -Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now