Two Mood: Disappointed

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~Past...(Age ten)~

"Hey, why are you crying?" 

I look up from my knees there stood a rather cute boy with blonde hair and blue eyes smiling at me. I wipe away my tears. "Nothing." I tell him hoping he'll just give up and walk away. 

He takes a seat on the stairs next to me. "What happened?" he asks. 

I sigh. Just go away! "'s...just my dad's gone and he used to pick me up from I have to walk home alone." I whisper the last part hoping he wouldn't hear me. 

"Hey! It's ok. I'll walk home with you!" He offers. 

"Really?" I ask looking up at him a small smile finding its way to my face."Yea everything will be ok!" He confirms. 

"Ok!" I say with a huge smile. I stand up and pick up my backpack. He does the same. 

"I'm Liam by the way." The boy states. 

"Violet." I say holding out my hand like mom always tells me to do when introducing myself. He shakes my hand and we start to walk. 

"Oh so is your name Violet because of your eyes?" Liam asks curiously. I nod. I've always assumed that's why my name's Violet at least. 

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"Hey Lele can you take me home?" I ask Liam. He glares at me. "Finnne Liam." I say with a smirk. He smiles at me and nods. Dude he really does hate his nickname. 

We hop into his tiny car and he takes off down the road. I turn on the radio and jam out to whatever song comes on.

Lele drops me off at my apartment building. "Thanks Lele." I say before leaving his car. "Bye bye birdy." He says laughing. I give him a quick wave before turning around and heading into the building.

I take the elevator up to the third floor and rush into my apartment. I wouldn't say I like my neighbors....more like they hate me and I learn to live with it.

I lock my door behind me and pray none of my neighbors saw me come inside. I really should move.

I set my stuff on the counter then rush to the bathroom. I don't plan on telling you what I did in there because I assume you will yell at me saying things like 'TMI' and 'no one asked you!' and i would have to agree.

I finish up my business and enter the kitchen to get a snack. I open my fridge and pull out a single yogurt. After getting a spoon from the draw I take a seat at the counter and eat my yogurt while watching the news.


I set an alarm for an hour before taking a nap. I was awoken an hour later by my alarm clock beeping. "Uhg shut up!" I yell smacking my phone. My phone drops on the floor and stops beeping. Thank goodness.

I check the time and realize I only have an hour before my picnic date. I sigh. But I don't want to leave my warm bed. No get you lazy butt up! I argue with myself before giving up and pushing the covers off of me which caused them to fall straight on the ground.

I take one foot off the bed and then the other. After a minute I pull myself off the bed. Just a few steps....

Uhg! I make it to the door and turn on the lights. It took me a few minutes of raiding the closet to find a cute floral dress. I change and put on light summery make up.

I throw on a pair of brown flip flops after curling my hair. There was a knock on the door a few minutes later and I rush to answer it.

I open the door wide open and there stood Felix looking all cute in a t shirt and skinny jeans. "Hey." I say pecking him on the lips. "Hey gorgeous."

"Let's go." He says walking to the elevator. We go down the elevator and out to his car. Felix was one of those people who was hates the radio, so we went the whole way to the park in silence. It kinda sucked. It was like awkward silence to maximum extent.

We finally arrive at the park after only about a half hour.....or two. I will admit it was a long drive.

He gets out and leaves me to grab the picnic basket he brought. I sigh and grab the basket  before pulling myself out if his car. I follow him into the park. Once in the park we plop down in the grass.

I open up the basket and take a peak inside. Inside sat one peanut butter and jelly sandwich along with a bag of potato chips. I let out a sigh. Did he only bring food for him?

He opens the basket and gives me a small smile. He grabs the sandwich and takes a bite. I scrunch up my face and steal the bag of chips that I can only assume he brought for himself.

I rip it open and start eating his chips. And here I thought this would be romantic and cute.

"So Violet how was your day?" He asks with a mouth full of food. Internally cringing. I shrug.

"Fine I guess." He gives me one of those looks that screams 'really?'. I shrug again. If I keep it up at this pace my shoulders will fall off. "Work is work." I mumble before throwing another chip in my mouth.


To anyone (or anything we don't discriminate here) reading this:

A. Thanks for taking time out of your day to read my crappy book.

B. What do you think of it so far? 

C. What did you eat for lunch yesterday? ( i go thinking about food again)

and D. ISN'T THE COVER AWESOME?!?!? I'm sorry i can't get over it hufflehalk did such an amazing job love her!

word count: 1013

Ok i'll stop wasting your time now! 

*Turns into black cat and crosses everyone's paths before disappearing* 

Moody -Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now