Five mood: depressed

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Before.....(age you guessed it ten!)

"Now we sit in a circle and..." Ray pauses and lets us get in a circle. "Then we chant the name of Peter Pockets the kid we want to kill." 

"Isn't this a little mean? I mean he only took ONE cookie." I ask. Ray sends me a glare. "No nothing is to harsh when food is involved."  I shrug. "If you say so." I mumble.

"Well I do say ha!" She says. "yawn." Liam says. 

"Liam you don't say yawn you do it....Like this." I inform Liam before yawning. "But i like the word yawn it sounds cool!" Liam defends. 

My mother walks into my room and turns on the lights momentarily blinding all of us. "What are you kids doing?" My mother says laughing. "Mommm." I say sending her a stare. "And why do you have a flash light." She says laughing even harder. 

"For your information Violet's mom we are killing Peter Pockets." Ray says straight forward. I send Ray a look that says 'my mom won't like this' and another one saying 'you weren't supposed to tell her that'. 

My mother immediately stops laughing and her eyes widen. "Really?" She asks. Ray nods her head confirming it. "I thought you and Peter were friends." My mother says semi confused. "Yea well that was before he stole one of my cookies." Ray retorts in a duh tone.

My mother smiles. Oh no now were in for a treat...."Can i join you?" My mother asks holding in laughter. Ray shrugs. "Sure." My mom turns the light back off and joins our circle. 


  It had been hours since he who must not be named broke up with me. I sat alone in my dark closet eating chocolate and crying my heart out til I had no tears left.  

My make up was everywhere and I looked like an over flowing trash can waiting for my owner to come pick me up.

I stare at my phone the texts still stuck on the screen. I can't take it anymore. I throw my phone against the wall and scream. In that moment I didn't think about the neighbors waking up and two am or even the poor lost kitten that could be heard out my living room window. All I thought about was the boy that broke my heart.

"I swear to never love anyone again." I swear it to myself and decide that boys will never be anything more then toys.


I woke up in the closet around six am and got ready for work. Lucky for me today was Liam and Ray's day off...well one of their days off. So I wouldn't have to face my two bffs.

I walk into my bathroom and turn on my light. I'm a mess. My hair was everywhere and my make up now made me look like a demon. I splash some water on my face before removing my make up with a wipe.

I let out a long sigh and change out of my dress and into my everyday where. I decide to get myself a donut for breakfast so I had to leave home early to get it on the way and catch a bus.

My phones screen was now cracked and filled with countless messages and missed texts from both Liam and Ray. I couldn't bare to respond to them.

I exit my apartment and don't even bother to talk to my neighbor, Mr. Finch who was waiting for me in the hall. Instead I push past him and enter the elevator.

I exit the building without an emotion in sight. My face was like that one emoji without a mouth. No I am that emoji.

I stop by the donut shop and get a plane cake donut before getting on the bus and going to work.


I wouldn't talk to anyone not even the bus driver. I didn't say a single 'hi' or 'hey how ya doing?' I just pushed through the people and out to work.

I made it to work just on time and clock in. I take orders with a bland look on my face not really acting 'energetic' or 'fun to be around' just being my depressed self.

You might be like 'what's there to be depressed over?'. So I'll explain. Me and he who must not be named had been dating for at least two years. We were really close and I loved him. I thought he loved me too...guess I was wrong.


I finish work around eight and clock out. I go to the store and buy some white and grey spray paint along with some others before hitting the road. (Not literally)

It was getting darker with every step I take but for once I didn't mind. For once I wasn't scared of bad people or evil men I was ay ok.

It was around eleven when I got to my destination. It was my dad's old run down building on eight street. He used to run the place. It was a beautiful walk in pancake house at one point. Now its just an old run down building.

I walk into the alley on the side of the 'pancake house'. I glace around. Not a human in sight....good.


Here's the update you wanted! I hope you like it so far.....idk! Love ya. 




                                       peace out!

*disappears like the wind* 

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