Ten mood: shocked

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Before...(age 13)

I push my birthday hat on straight and open the front door for another guest. I pull open the door and there stood Lizzy. Me and Lizzy were lab partners at science so we became friends fast. "Hey Lizzy." I say inviting her in. "Hey Violet happy birthday!" She says handing me a rapped box. 

"Aw thanks! Everyone's in the living room." I tell her leading her into the living room. She joins the rest of the kids. The door bell rings again so I rush off to answer it. "Hey Lele!" I say smiling at Liam. He gives me a huge smile. "Hey V." He says hugging me and handing me a large bag with tissue paper in it. 

I take it into the living room and set it on the table with the others. 


I open up the present from Liam. Well more like tore the bag in half. Inside sat a pillow shaped like a moon. "Do you like it?" Liam asks hopefully. "I-I love it!" I say hugging the pillow. It was the best gift ever. 

Liam lets out a sigh in relief. "Thank you so much!" I yell pulling him into a huge hug.


"Come on!" I grab her wrist and drag her out of my apartment. I lock my door and run down the hall dragging Ray with me.

After getting in her car she starts the engine. "Just please don't embarrass me when we get there!" She says taking off down the road. "No promises." I say with a smirk.

We pull into the drive way. At last. "Just be careful." Ray warns me before I can get out. I shrug it off and get out running towards the door. "Wait!" She yells running up to me. I go to ring the bell but she smacks my hand away.

"No I want to ring it!" She says. "No I want to!" "Let me!" "No let me!" "Let m-" Ray gets cut off by the door opening.

"Oh hey Ray!" The guy who opens the door says hugging Ray. "Hey Daniel." She says releasing him from the hug.

"Um....Daniel Violet Violet Daniel." She says introducing us. "Hey." I say awkwardly. "Hey come on in." He says letting us in.

"Jonah your girlfriends here!" Daniel yells inside the house. A guy who I assume is Jonah runs to the door. "Hey Ray! And Daniel she's not my girlfriend!" He says giving Daniel a slight glare.

I laugh at the two of them and take a seat on their couch. Ray sits down in a chair and Jonah sits in the chair next to her. They start to talk about who knows what.

Daniel takes a seat next to me and whispers over to me. "Aw the young love birds!" I laugh. "Yep!" I whisper back. I do believe we will get along just fine!

"Guys come meet Violet!" Daniel yells. There was the sudden sound of running before three guys appeared in the room.

"Hi I'm Zach." Says the first one. "Violet." I say laughing. I study the other two very carefully. "Jimmy Johns guy!" I yell at Corbyn. "Stranger!" He yells back.

"You two know each other?" Daniel asks confused. I shrug. "People gotta eat." Corbyn laughs slightly and high fives me.

"Hey purple eyes." The other dude says walking over and messing up my hair. Wait is he the graffiti guy?.....it is! "Hey graffiti guy!" I say smiling at him.

He laughs. "I wasn't the one doing graffiti art." He says laughing. I laugh with him. "Yea whatever." I tell him sticking out my tongue at him.

Everyone else was confused trying to figure out what the heck we were talking about. We turn and notice their confused expressions which only causes us to laugh harder.

"Long story." I say waving my hand dismissively. They shake it off and continue talking.

Moody -Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now