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*beep beep*...*beep beep*...*beep beep*
I smack the alarm button as I annoyingly force myself to get out of bed. A very unamusing "6:30 AM" was displayed. The neck and back pain from the uncomfortable position I had slept in throughout the night made it even worse. Each pace I took only caused more distress to the glass-like spine, and each turn of my head made my neck shiver from the torture it was suffering with.

The pain was all too much for me. I couldn't bare it any longer. And so I head off downstairs to find my travel pillow. Only...I couldn't recall where I last had it? Bummer. Would of been nice if I left a note to self as to where my lazy ass put it. I scrap the idea and head off back upstairs, fulfilled with both inexplicable stress and physical pain in which I had experienced in the past 5 minutes. I lay my fragile back on my bed, looking up to my crystal white ceiling before lightly sighing. I couldn't bear with this wreckening habit. I flutter my eyes slowly as I head back to the fantasy in which I had always hoped was reality.

It had just passed 7:40 AM when I woke up for the second time today. This time was different. No back pain. No neck pain. No hassle, meaning that something was definitely off... Did I have something planned?

I checked my emails, whilst still in bed, scrolling through previous notifications given by bosses, banks and some spam. Until I see one starred. I never star email unless it's very important, thus I click it to read what seemed to be the most shocking thing ever. I had an interview... in 10 minutes?!

"Oh no no no, this can't be happening, not on the most important day of my new career!!" I mumbled as I rush out of bed and proceeded to do the usual things I would do, but twice as quick.

After a quick brushing of my teeth, hair arrangement and a last minute change, I was out the door with my car keys and turned on my engine...

It seemed like hours until I reached there, when as a matter of fact I had reached there just 10 minutes late. "The rule of thumb is that up to 15 minutes, I should be good" I reassured myself as I speed walk past reception, the elevator and to the corridor of the interview room. The building seemed very luxurious, from what I had managed to see as I dashed past everyone and everything. The floor was a gorgeous marble, and every sign was made from glass, but the fidelity of each letter and number carved onto the fine sheets made it unrealistic to the human eye. Whether it was a window or a simple door, it was evident that everything was pieced to be part of a blended sentimentality.


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