"She doesn't have condoms in her bedroom." Dwayne said

"She lying to yall." Anthony said

"So did you mess with the condoms or no?" Tim asked Tiana

"No..." She said

"Can we get this over with? She has a doctor appointment." Tia said

"Girls get 3 minutes pregnant and don't know how to act." Anthony mumbled.

"So what are we here for?" Cameron asked

"Since you both and Anthony are clearly not wanting to be in the child's life we want Tiana granted full custody and Anthony is going to be put on child support considering he doesn't seem fit to be in the child's life." Parker said

"You sound as dumb as them. You as a lawyer should know this isn't how this works. You wanna put the young man on child support for a dumb decision they both made. Considering the child isn't born yet and nobody actually know if the child is his this whole case is done." Tim said

"Actually you can put him on child support during her pregnancy." Tia said

"You can begin the paperwork but no agency is going to go through it without the baby being born and Anthony knowing he's definitely the father." Tim said standing.

He held his hand out and shook Parkers. Me, Anthony and Cameron followed him out of the room. He stopped and turned to us once we were near the main entrance.

"They have no case so until the baby is born I wouldn't worry about anything. I personally don't think its Anthony's baby because of how she was acting explaining everything." Tim said

"Probably not. I've had a few hoes trying to pin babies on me for my money." Cameron said

"You too? Man they started saying we fucked and I never even seen them." Tim said

"Hoes do anything for money." Cameron said

"Excuse me." I felt my arm get brushed and saw Tina and her family walking by.

I began to walk to her but Cameron grabbed my arm pulling me into his hold.

"Chill baby, let it go." He said

I rolled my eyes and turned to my son.

"Lets get you to school. I'll see you at home later Cam." I said walking out with Anthony.


I was home all alone because Mikah acting like he dont wanna be around me right now and I understand why. I just want my man all to myself and I don't feel like he really is. The other night when I went out to dinner with Kamiya a woman approached me when Miya left to use the bathroom.

She told me that Mikah had been hitting her up and saying he going to leave me soon. I would understand if he did completely.

I heard the door open and closed then saw Mikah walking in looking all daddish.

"Hey." I said

"Hey." He said sitting on the couch with Mike.

"Mikah we need to talk." I said

"Jamila I'm not arguing with you about this gang anymore." He said

"No its not about that. Its about you and another woman." I said

"What other woman? The only other woman in my life is Kamiya." He said

"Well when I was at dinner with Kamiya the other night a girl approached me and told me that you told her you wanted to leave me and that you were planning to do so soon." I said

"I didn't say it like that." He said

"So you wanna leave me?" I said

"I've been think about it and I even talked to you about us taking a break." He said

"A break isn't you leaving me and why do you have to talk to some random bitch about our problems?" I asked

"Because I cant talk to you about them. All you wanna do is fucking argue, yo ass don't ever wanna fuckin listen and that make it hard to talk to you about anything." He said

"If its that much of a problem then we need to not be together at all. I want a divorce." I said

"You got it." He said standing with Mike and leaving the house once again.

What did I just do?


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