*guys numero 2*

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Guys! I'm so sorry I've been suuuper busy I started a request but... god I've been super busy and now that my B-Day is coming I'll be doing some other stuffs. I promise I'll finish, just... projects... exams... stuff, I must keep my grades up because I need the school money since I won't be able to pay my university so I must keep my grades up. I've also been working to help my mom pay her medicines and stuff.

I promise I'll try to finish as soon as exams are over <3 I love you guys thanks for everything <3

But! as a... compensation I'll make a QnA in video (since it's easier), so, ask your questions here and I'll answer them <3 

I love you guys <3

(P.s: have this photo as a compensation, because I love you guys)

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