*Little thing of things*

585 22 15

So people,.... I just want to say something really quick....... I LOVED THIS MOVIE! I know that maybe some of you know it but I just got to see it now and *gasps in Mexican* please.

Those People from 2015, it's a really good movie, and romantic movies are not my thing but this one is really good to me.

if you don't know where to see it, here you go boys and gurls:



this is the only place where I found it for free.....because I'm poor to pay netflix or stuff like that.

another thing is.... https://www.wattpad.com/story/56074859-scars-terrornuckel


This story it's really good <3 I love the writer and you just need to read it <3 the name is

Scars - Terrorsnuckel, it's really good please read it, vote and leave a comment because the writer is really good and has been going though rough times<3

Anyways that all I have for today, BTW do you guys want me to make a little comment on your stories like this?


"I like this story because this and this and stuff"? would you like it or do you want me just to read them and that's it? your call <3

Anyways, I love you all people <3 and I'll see you in the next update <3

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