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Tagged by @Lui_Queen

1. Favorite Song: Depends a lot on my mood but I can get from here

to here

2.  Favorite Sport: I don't like sports... but I do Sambo sooo...

3.  Favorite Band: I have many and I don't like to say who is my fav, but I'll say a few, the ones I can remember: Owl city, deadmau5, mago de oz, rhapsody, A7X, Musicals and soundtracks

4.  Favorite Show: I'm not much of a series person 

5.  Favorite Movie: Lord of the rings, the hobbit, halo saga, district 9, misty, spirit, dinosaurs, harry potter and much more

6.  Favorite Color: Black and rainbow

7.  Favorite Food: Mashed potates with steak or pasta

8.  Favorite Drink: Lemon tea or Dr.Pepper

9.  Favorite VideoGame: Almost all of them

10. Tag 15 people: HA poor innocent child who thinks I have friends to tag XD

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