Request - Ice Bucket reveal (H2OVanoss)

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People!!!! another request by @SepticeyeVanoss thanks sooo much for that request sorry if it took me to log I was waiting for something but hey I'm tired of waiting I'll keep on working <3

if you want to make a request please make sure to read the A/N 'Requests?' and 'Quick A/N about requests' please read them and then request <3 I love you people and I'll see you all later <3

P.D: read the A/N at the end please <3

Grammar and spelling mistakes? Can you help me please? I would love to improve thank you <3


Evan POV:

"Hey guys my name is Evan but most of you guys probably know me by my channel name VanossGaming and today I'm doing the infamous 'Ice bucket challenge', now I'm sure most of you guys are pretty tired of seeing the challenge all over youtube and social medias and I don't blame you is a pretty silly challenge however I'm going to do it my way and I'm not alone on this today I'm joined by someone very special and his name is... come here" I signaled him to come into the radius of the camera but he nodded taking some steps back with a shy look "Come here, you promised" he was in baby blue shorts long sleeved blue plane shirt "You come here!"

"No! Ahhh!" He ran as I chased him all around the yard laughing and giggling until I tackled him "Let me go Evan I don't want to!" I pinned him looking into his eyes

"You promised and come on you are H2O you must do the challenge"

"Okay but I'll have my mask on" I nodded and walked to the camera again

"Okay guys sorry for that interruption but someone is being a little bitch"

"Shut up!"

"Now that I'm back I can say who is here with me...ehem... now presenting here the most handsome, intelligent and famous youtuber in the world..." He walked by my side with his mask on "VanossGaming!"


"Oh and there is H2O Delirious"

"Fuck you!" He punched me in the arm giggling

"Just kidding guys, Here is Mr. H2O who was scared of doing this challenge"

"I'm not scared of the challenge"

"Oh you shush and let's make this challenge the VanossGaming way"

--- time skip after preparing the bucket with all ingredients ---

"Okay that is all the ice that we had"

"I told you to buy more!"

"I know but that was the only bag in the store!"

"Pffff... anyways everything is ready, so what we are going to do Delirious is because you are shorter than me you are going to stand in front of me and I'll lift the bucket over us and then we are done, sound fine?"

"Sounds like retarded to me but okay"

"Hey shush I'm not the one who is wearing a stupid hockey mask"

"Shut up! And let's do this" he walked in front of me

"Are you ready?" I took the bucket getting ready


"One... two... Three!" I lifted the bucket letting all the liquid with mixed ice cream and CD get all over us

"Fuck! That is cold!" He said wrapping his arms around his chest

"Emm Delirious"


"Your emm your mask fell off" I giggled as he touched his face and looked down to see the mask

"Aaaahhhh! Not time for face reveal!" He tried to run but I wrapped my arms around him taking him close to the camera

"Here you go guys this is H2O Delirious face reveal!"

"No fuck off Evan! You better take that off the video!" I dropped him taking the camera high so he couldn't reach it "Evan give me that camera!"

"Humm let me think of that... how about nope?"



"Give me the camera"

"No- Oh shit!" He pushed me making me fall on my back with him on top of me "Delirious get off me!"

"No! Give me that thing!"

"You want it? You are over that thing" he stopped and blushed at the realization, he stood up walking inside "Anyways guy thank you so much for everything that guy was H2O Delirious, link in the description and I love you so yes thank you again and I'll talk to you later" I turned off the camera going inside "Del where are you?"

"Here" he said while walking with a towel around him teeth chattering

"I'm sorry del but you promised"

"I know but what the hell" he sat on the couch turning the Tv so I sat with him

"I'm sorry I know is cold outside and you are not used to this place" I hugged him trying to warm him up

"What are you doing Evan?"

"Trying to warm you"

"That doesn't work"

"Then maybe this will" I kissed his cheek making him blush and turn to me

"What was that?"

"Nothing" I turned to see the Tv but he returned the kiss

"I love you too"


quick A/N: I'm starting classes again so maybe I'll get some inspiration, but I'll also will update not so often as I did before, I hope you all understand, also people if you don't like the shipping or the roles taken in this then don't read it! that is why I put the name of the shipping on top to warn you about it so please stop screaming at me that you don't like that couple, if you like something else then make a request but don't come screaming telling me to take out that request because I'll not do it, that is another reason why I'll stop posting this requests on DA, please I only want to make people happy, let's all be nice and kind please.

I hope you really understand <3 I love you all people <3

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