The Ancient Ones

Depuis le début

The wind caressed the wheat fields gently as the intense sun beat on. Today there were men working the field. They seemed to be cleaning weeds, plucking out plants with long roots.

Then Yunara turned and saw the half transparent form of Cadri standing in the middle of the field on the other side of the road, where the workers hadn't gotten to yet. She waved for Yunara to come. Yunara looked to the workers. They didn't seem to see her. Yunara thought she might have been going crazy, but when she followed Cadri the first time, she found that book written by Manuel's father.

Yunara started following, and Cadri started leading her off. Yunara tried to run, but the pain in her back warned her that it would reopen her wounds. Cadri always stayed at a distance that made sure Yunara could follow, but not catch up.

Finally Yunara reached a point where she was beyond where anyone could see her, in a sea of wheat. The house was tiny in the distance. Cadri stood still, a distance from her. She held up a hand so that Yunara would understand not to come any closer. Her expression serious, she said, "Before anything else, you need to go through a process that will frighten you at first. But it will help you on your mission from here on. The items that you'll find, I need you to protect until a man named Fernando Álvaro de Mariana tells you what they mean. Remember his name, Fernando. Manuel knows him. People within my connections have sent him a letter. Expect Manuel to get a letter from him within about a week. Just play along when Manuel receives the letter and talks to you about it. Understand?"

"I-I guess, but--"

"Good. The Unseeables brought you to this place when you paralleled for a reason. Remember that. Now, don't be afraid of what comes next."

Yunara was confused. "Afraid? What do you--"

"Goodbye." Cadri disappeared.

"No, Cadri, don't go!" Yunara shouted to no avail.

Then something rustled the grass to her side. Yunara turned but saw nothing there. The grass rustled to the other side, but Yunara didn't see anything. Then Yunara turned and saw a tiger in the field staring her down. "Don't be afraid," It said, then vanished.

Yunara screamed as something flapped past her ear. A dove flew from behind her, then turned and looked at her. "We're here to help," it said and disappeared.

A wolf suddenly appeared at her side and brushed against her gently. "One of the Ancient Ones has chosen you." It ran off into the grass and almost seemed to smile at her before it vanished.

A black cat came to chase after the wolf, then turned back and said, "There is need of much change on Caorfi, or Earth will suffer." Then it continued its chase and vanished as well.

Yunara screamed as she noticed a snake slithering over her foot. "The Caorfians have lost the art of being able to communicate with us. We must amend our relations once more."

More and more animals kept appearing and disappearing all around her, Yunara spinning in circles as they all entered and escaped her vision within seconds.

"Who are you?" Yunara asked.

A raven landed in front of her and answered, "We are the Unseeables. We are creatures that have existed even before the existence of the parallel points that now unite Earth and Caorfi, because we were the ones that created them." It left.

"You created the parallel points? Th-then what do you want with me? I'm but a mere maid."

"But you are so much more than that," said a beaver running around playfully at her feet. "The Ancient Ones have considered you, an honor that only a select few is bestowed, and hasn't happened in centuries."

A boar grunted, "The Aracs thought they had done away with us, when they severed our contact with the Caorfians, but they are not as wise as they think. We have recuperated, and now that they are arising with a new threat to both Earth and Caorfi, we are enraged. They will not prevail. The Ancient Ones will put them and the Dark Ones in their place. But they need you, and four others they have chosen to do it."

"Come," said a donkey that approached her. "Climb on my back and I'll take you to them. Do not be afraid."

All the other animals disappeared, leaving only the donkey. Yunara climbed on.

The donkey turned in the opposite direction of the house and started walking. Then it started to pick up pace. The donkey started running, galloping as majestically as a purebred horse. Everything around them went by faster and faster, the wheat fields and the Suarez house became far behind them, they scaled tall hills in moments, as the donkey continued picking up impossible speeds. Then they approached the top of a hill, and the donkey said, "Hold on to me and don't let go until we reach the springs."

Yunara obeyed, and when they reached the hilltop, the donkey jumped, and kicked it's legs through the air as if it were still running. The donkey started flying through the air, looking like it were galloping down an invisible road, climbing up towards the clouds.

Yunara started screaming at the pure sensation of looking down at the ground below, gripping its neck for dear life. The donkey seemed to find this amusing and let out a braying laugh as they continued to climb.

They reached up to the powdery white clouds, and Yunara was washed over with the feeling of a wet, cold air. For the first few moments, she could barely see the donkey in front of her, surrounded by white. She was so baffled in wonder, she reached out her hand, feeling the wet air moisten her skin, forming droplets on her brown arm. What an amazing sensation to be inside of a cloud.

Then they came out from inside the cloud, and the scene before her took her breath away. They had arrived to what looked like a floating island, one situated on a cloud, with a springs surrounded by low grass, bushes and boulders. Water was fed into the stream by a constant waterfall that seemed to come from the heavens themselves. Yunara couldn't see where it started.

The donkey landed at the base of the stream, opposite to the waterfall.

"The one you have called is here, your graces," the donkey said humbly.

Then, five massive animals appeared in the air with the waterfall, five times their average size. There was a bear with large white feathery wings, an eagle with feathers of a gorgeous pattern with purples and reds, a horse with a horn in its forehead, an elephant with ears the shape of butterfly wings, and a deer with huge golden antlers that branched out like a tree.

The bear said in a female voice, "I am Orsella."

The eagle was male. "I am Kalor."

"I am Baio," said the horse.

"I am Facurna," the elephant said gently, another female.

"And I am Oskan," said the deer.

The bear continued, "We are the Ancient Ones, creatures as old as time. This is a sanctuary, a place in between worlds."

Yunara asked, "You mean to say... we're not on Earth anymore?"

"No," said Kalor, the eagle. "You're in the parallel zone. Every time you parallel, you pass through this zone."

"What am I here for?"

They started talking amongst one another in another language for a few moments.

Then the bear, Orsella, left her place with the others, running through the air, shrinking as she approached Yunara. She landed in the shallow water with a huge splash, and came running to Yunara. Though she was shaking, Yunara didn't move. The aura of peace in this place was penetrating.

The bear reached her and stopped, breathing heavily and staring into her eyes. She held her stare, Yunara within her gaze, it was hard to tell the passing of time. Whether she stood there before Orsella a few seconds or several minutes, she wasn't sure.

Finally Orsella breathed out through her nostrils. She touched her smooth cold nose to Yunara's forehead. "You are here because I have made my decision, and I have chosen you."

The Island With No ParallelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant