"What did you say about my mom?" I growled placing my front paws on the table.

"You heard me.......Bitch!" He spat in my face standing on top of the table so he was taller than me.

"Shes going to die along with your punk ass worthless father!" He growled moving his muzzle against mine. We were nose to nose, staring angrily at each other.

"Say that again." I growled.

"Guys.......please stop." Nina stated with a low yelp.

"Your......a.......bitch!" He growled again . I grabbed the back of his head and slammed him into the table. Quickly grabbing a knife that had been placed for a human and bringing it to his neck.

"Don't ever talk about my parents like that." I growled as i was slammed against the wall. A searing pain shot through my shoulder as Luke locked his maw around it. I yowled and drove the knife into his back. He screamed out with pain and let me go. By now, there were a couple brawny male dragons standing around the break the fight up. Each one giving us looks of displeasure.

"Take this one to the infirmary. He's going to need stitches. One said as he approached me. His scales were grey with yellow strips going down his side.

"Can you keep him from taking a knife to any others?" He asked Nina. She nodded and he left us. I hissed as the pain began ripping through my shoulder. Luke did a number, that much i can say. I had holes in my shoulder where his teeth had gone into me. Blood oozed out of it at a slow , but constant rate. My entire shoulder was already coated with blood, some dripping into the floor below.

"We can skip dinner for now , lets go to the room and patch you up ok?" Nina sighed as she helped me limp to the room. Once there she wrapped my shoulder and arm in medical wrap.

"Were you really going to kill Keith?" She asked as she finished.

"I........i don't know. I just lost it." I replied with a sigh. She didn't like seeing me hurt, or seeing me fight. I didn't like fighting to be honest with you, but i just sort of lose control. I never start them though, which is good. Nina walked to the window and looked out.

"Its a good night to walk. You wanna go for one?" She asked smiling.

"Of course, when do i never want to?" I replied standing. She smiled and happily hopped to the door. I followed her until we reached the gate to the base. The woods surrounding the base were well lit by the moonlight, and a light breeze swept through the trees as we walked through the woods. I loved walking at night with Nina. She loved it as well. Nature seemed more active to us compared to the daytime. Nina spun on her heel after a moment and pushed on my head.

"Tag, your it!" She shouted with a laugh before taking off.

"Oh no you don't!" I shouted going after her. I loved tag with Nina. She was extremely flexible and maneuverable in the trees, making it hard to catch her. I chased her to a nearby meadow we always went to. The flower in it only bloomed at night and in a good moonlight , like tonight , looked absolutely gorgeous. She spun to face me and stood on her hind legs, walking backwards away from me as i ran to tag her.

"Cant catch me!" She teased as i reached for her. The pain in my shoulder flared up and i cringed at the shock, falling into Nina and knocking both of us down the hill. I landed on my back and Nina managed to land on my stomach so that we faced each other, stomach to stomach. We both began laughing as we lay in the grass together. After a few moments we were both left starring at each other. My mind screaming out to tell her i loved her, but......something in her eyes said she already knew. We slowly moved our muzzles toward each other, stopping as our noses touched. This was happening......with the one i loved.....i cant believe it. I thought to myself as we starred into each others eyes.

"Shadow....." Nina said as i pilled her into a deep passionate draconic kiss. It was the best feeling i ever felt. My mind running rampant with.....other feelings toward her. I could picture us with eggs, a family, grandkids. I smiled as we kissed, my mind letting instinct take over as reason went black.

My mind came back an hour or so later. Nina and i were both panting as we lay on our sides, belly to belly. I took a deep breath , smelling my scent on her. Her neck was bleeding lightly where i had bit her, and so was mine. We had marked one another as mated. She was mine and mine only now. An eternal bond that can never be broken. We were mates.

"Shadow.......i love you." She said as she began licking my chest.

"And i you.......my mate." I laughed. She laughed as well.

"Im going to have to get used to that.......and how do you think our parents will react?" She replied. I shrugged, pulling her close as i did so.

"I don't care. I don't want any other but you." I replied licking her head. She smiled and continued licking my chest. Her warm tongue slowly beginning to lull me to sleep. Suddenly, the warm touch turned cold , and she disappeared in my grip. My eyes shot open and i looked around for her. She was nowhere to be seen. The wind kicked up as the grass i was standing on sank in, feeling like sand instead. Jt was grass, but felt like sand.

"The hell?" I asked as i scanned around myself.

"Whats going on!" I shouted as a wet feeling clocked my throat and stung my eyes. I jumped up with a cough as my eyes truly opened. A searing pain tore through my left leg and wing at the sudden movement, causing me to collapse onto the wet sand of the beach. The waves beat against me as i came two. My eyes and throat stinging from the salt water that dripped off my head. I looked around myself, seeing houses a little ways away from me. Beside then i could make out the broken Golden Gate Bridge on the horizon. With a cough i tried to stand again , only to fail.

"Im.......alive?!" I panted with surprise remembering being trapped by the pickup. There were police lights on either side of the bridge. Helicopters flying over it as well. This was a national disaster for the humans, but a victory for us. With a cough i looked to the moon.

"Please be ok Nina." I said as everything went black once more.

From Soldiers Rifle To Dragons Wings: Resistance (BOOK 4)Where stories live. Discover now