Ch. 29

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Bellamy was pacing in his driveway, his nerves on edge as he waited for Clarke and Octavia to get back.

He owed Clarke one hell of an apology.

A yellow cab came his way, stopping at his mailbox. Confusion etched in his features, he watched Octavia step out. His heart dropped immediately.

"Where's Clarke?" He asked.

Octavia waved to the cab driver before looking at Bellamy. She reached into her bag and handed him a post card.

Octavia went inside, leaving him speechless, his eyes threatening to water. He turned the card over, reading Clarke's handwriting.

"Guess you were right about me. In eight months I never had the urge to run. But, you called me out. I am a runner. Forgive your sister.
Postcard Princess"

Bellamy ran into the house, almost ripping the door from it's hinges as panic rose in his throat.

"O? Where is she? Where did she go?"

"Why do you care?" Octavia countered. "You treated her worse than I've ever seen you treat anybody. You don't need to know where she is."

"You're right! But I am sorry! To you and to her. And I can't tell her that if she's gone," he said, frustrated.

"She didn't say, okay? She paid for my cab and apologized."

Bellamy bolted to his truck, buckling as he raced down the street, his tires squealing. He called Indra, praying that Clarke was there.


"Where would Clarke go?" He demanded.

"Oh, no," Indra sighed, her voice falling. "What happened?" He could hear her tears.

"I messed up. Bad. But I want to fix it, Indra. Please?"

"My first guess? The airport."

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