Ch. 24

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Clarke hugged her mother and Marcus goodbye. As they pulled away, she took a moment to stare at her car. She remembered one of the first nights she had slept in it.

Tears streaming down her face for an unknown reason, she crossed into Colorado. The only calls she had answered over the last week were from Raven who understood why she had disappeared. It was her way.
Twenty four hours away from home, almost two thousand miles, and she could finally breathe. Over the last week she had driven and then slept in whatever motel would rent to an eighteen year old. But tonight, she parked in the corner of an abandoned grocery store parking lot, and climbed into her backseat. Her head on a pair of rolled up jeans and a blanket over her, she curled up and passed out.

"Hey," Bellamy's voice made her jump, pulling her from her memory. "Are you ready to go?"

Smiling, Clarke nodded. Together, they got her water and power cut on, a living room set ordered to be delivered on Monday, a washer and dryer, and her new bedroom suit to be delivered the next day.

"Okay, so you got the giant tv for the living room, but which one do you want for your bedroom?" Bellamy asked as they stood in front of tins of televisions on display.

Clarke chose one, someone taking it to the register for her. She got dishes, silverware, towels, wash cloths, sheets, trash bags, and pans.

By the time they checked out, the sun had set and she was exhausted.

Bellamy helped her carry everything into her house, wrapping an arm around her as they walked into his house. "You okay?" He asked.

"So tired," she laughed. "My bank account should be frozen by now."

"Nah," Bellamy waved that off. "You used a check, set up for automatic payment withdrawal, and opens up two new lines of credit. They love you," he laughed.

"Being an adult makes me tired," she joked. "But, on Monday, I'll be officially back in my house. And I've got two job interviews."

"Two?" Octavia asked, coming into the kitchen. "I thought you wanted to teach middle school?"

"High school is still an option, especially after reading your paper," Clarke shrugged. "I think I may take up the offer I got up at the college in a few years, work up there."

"What offer?" Octavia asked.

"The professor up there offered me an open slot to be his assistant in a few years. He said he could see me teachingup there eventually."

"Way to outshine us all," Bellamy laughed. "That's amazing."

Octavia told them good night, going to her room. Bellamy and Clarke emptied the dishwasher together, tidying up the kitchen.

"Would you like to go to dinner?" Bellamy asked suddenly. "Like, with me?"

"Are you asking me on a date?" Clarke teased.

"Yes," he smiled, nervously.

Clarke took his cheeks and kissed him. "Yes."

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