Ch. 12

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"Hello? Clarke?"

"Yes, it's me," Clarke replied, her mother's voice in her ears.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yes. Yes, everything is great, actually. Uh, I'm calling to tell you I'm back in the States."

"Oh, that's wonderful," she said. "Are you visiting Indra or Raven?"

"Uh, no. I'm going to live here, Mom."

Clarke heard typing, knowing that her mother was checking for a new email. "Oh, I haven't checked my email. I apologize. Your car is still here, but it hasn't been driven in a long time. I will have it taken to the shop today and make sure the fluids are okay."

"Right, I hadn't even thought of that," Clarke nodded.

"Would it be okay if we drive it down to you?" She asked nervously.

"Yes, please do," Clarke cleared her throat. "There was one more thing, actually. The house never went up for sale?"

There was a moment of silence on the phone. "We didn't feel right selling it," her mother sighed.

"Would you sell it to me?" Clarke asked.

"We can sign it over to you, if you want it. I'll have the paper work drawn up. When should I bring them down to you?"

"Would Saturday work for you two?" Clarke asked.

"Yes, Saturday is fine. Okay, we will have all the paper work and your car. I'll call you Saturday morning to let you know when we're close."

"Okay, thank you, Mom."

"You're welcome."

Clarke ended the call, a huge sigh of relief escaping her lips. Her phone vibrated with a text message.

Locks are the same. I'll send cleaning crew for Friday morning.

Clarke slid her phone back in her pocket, feeling dumb for not thinking of that herself. Clarke walked through the house to the back door, gasping as she opened the door.

There was a garden, a huge garden. Blooms of every color, a ton of different flowers. "This is so beautiful," Clarke whispered as Bellamy came into view, holding two bundles of nearly trimmed flowers.

"My Mom loved gardens," he told her. "Go hop in the truck."

Clarke ran inside and grabbed her shoes, meeting Bellamy in his truck.

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