Chapter 3

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Siena looked a little confused and uncomfortable , probably not use to this much attention.


Camile said to Siena. Siena started to pose , and you could tell she was trying not to move her hair, afraid it would get messed up. But I could tell no matter what position her hair was in it would still look good.
Her hair was black. Crazy black. Not one slit of brown or highlight . Just plain natural black.
She had no make up covering tattoos. And she had no scars , not one zit , stain, or blemish . Nothing but freckles and this birth park on her hand.
"What's your fathers name?"
"I go by Siena L."

I found it strange that she went by L instead of a full last name. Once again it went dead silent. As if Jesus himself was standing in the middle of the room.
She had a cute face, a face that I now wish I had. Everything about her was perfect and yet you could tell she didn't have much confidence.
I noticed Camile's eyes look down and just stay there.
She snapped my direction.
"Fooney, go look at the mark on her hand"
My heart instantly started pounding. I don't know why but I was afraid that if I got too close to her , I would mess her up. As if I was an eraser.

I got up. Siena lightly looked at me and held out her hand. Which I wasn't too happy about, kinda hoping I could get close enough to just pick up her hand myself. She kept looking at me, I got a chill.

I walked up to her hand and lightly grabbed her hand to check out her birth mark. It was a shape of an arrow. Not just any arrow, a Native American arrow.

Back in America, my parents did a lot of work and studying with Native Americans. So I knew the arrow all too well . I looked at her , taking my eyes off of the really specific birth mark on her hand. I turned to Camile and everyone else at the table . "It's a Native American arrow. It is that exact shape."
Everyone just looked at me , confused, which I understood, I was just as confused as they were.
"What do you mean arrow?". A man said from the corner of the room.
"Exactly what I said. This is the most detailed birth mark I have ever seen"
I said.
Siena has a sweet , blank stare on her face , she wasn't looking at me though, the floor had all her attention, as if she was sitting in a waiting room .
I looked at Camile, who looked back at me , just sitting there, thinking like she was a minute ago. Camile motioned Siena over to her. I followed Siena, curious on what Camile had to say about this "birth mark".Siena continued to hold out her hand.
Camile took her hand, looked at it, then place it back down on Siena's side.
"Child, you are beautiful".Camile said with a straight face .
I looked over at Siena who was pleasantly smirking at Camile, pleased with her comment I assume.
Camile whispered in the ear of the man next to her, you could barely here a few air blows of words.
"We want you as one of our top models." The man said, as if it was an order instead of a suggestion. "I would love to". Siena said, her cute face smiling so wide her mouth could have touched her ears.

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