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Steve makes tea and places the cups on the table. He looks over at an over exhausted, heavily breathing James who managed to get inside but got stuck only a meter away from the door. "That skin of yours become kinda flobby.." Steve says as he sips his tea.

"My skin makes more cells so my skin wouldn't be overstretched again." James tells wish a fainted voice.

Steve puts thw cup down and walks over to James, fascinated and curious how fast the skin is changing. He pokes it and massive waves of fat move over the body. Steve starts laughing and does it again, enjoying it incredable much.

"Steve." James says glaring. He didn't like it, it felt weird and wrong to be poked like that.

"It's just fascinating. And I can have my fun after pushing you around for hours." He claims.

James sighs and nods.

Steve pokes him again, seeing the waves of skin move over James body. It reminds him of how the TV signs there has been an earthquake somewhere. Steve repeats it. incredable fascinated over the effect it has on James body.

after a while James makes it to an end. "no more poking." he says daring.

"alright, alright." Steve says. taking distance and grabbing the cup of tea again, sipping it and noticing it has gone cold.

"Steve..." James asks.

"Can you give me my cup of tea.... I can't reach the table." James says.

Steve takes the tea and places it on the ground in front of James, then he sits down himself accross James, looking curious.

"Don't dare to poke me gain." James warns.

Steve looks away, his plan clearly been taken down.

James folds his chubby hands around the cup of tea and brings it to his mouth and starting to drink it. He missed the taste of tea. he looks past the cup and sees his enourmous legs being spread onto the floor. stretched shiney skin replacing by a soft pink/orange blob. weird figured and by the minute getting worse.

Would this be the side effect from 2 droplets? an enourmous amount of skin producing? or is it just his body trying to get used to the fact it's huge? he doesn't know and that bothers him. Suddenly James feels his skin wobbling again in waves. he looks over to his other leg and sees that Steve couldn't resist to poke him again. "Can you stop?" James asks.

"Try to." Steve says easily. Seeing it like a game. It is like being freed from prison could give him the anility to do whatever he wants (which is sort of true).

"This fat needs to be gone soon." James demands.

Steve looks disappointed but understandable and nods.

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