Chapter 64- Speeches Don't Make You Leaders

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Chapter 64- Speeches Don't Make You Leaders

Ever since Negan left Alexandria, just yesterday, I haven't been able to sleep. I try, but my mind wakes me up or a noise downstairs makes me walk down the steps with a knife in my hand.

My whole body and mind is on edge from fear. Either fear of Negan, of his men, or of Alexandria.

When Negan made his little show to the community about how I couldn't be trusted and that I was reason everyone would eventually die, all I've been getting it death looks.

A sigh left my lips as I threw another dart, it hitting the red dot in the center. My finger grazed the pointing end of my last dart before I eventually threw it, hitting right by the red dot. A knock on my door made me stop my throwing and head downstairs.

Aaron and Rick stood on my porch, holding boxes in their hands. "Delivery," Aaron said with a wide smile, making me scuff before moving to the side, letting them in. "Upstairs, last door in the hallway," I said, pointing to stairs.

"How are you feeling?" Rick asked, carrying the boxes upstairs and to the last room. Opening the door revealed a white room, baby stuff in boxes and baby furniture against the walls. I shrugged, crossing my arms over my stomach that was just revealing a small baby bump. Barely noticeable.

"I'm fine, I guess," I said, walking over to one of the boxes and opening it up, looking at the box full of stuff animals and clothes.

Rick looked at me, "Aaron and I are going out for supplies. You should stay here where it's safe."

A scuff left my lips, "I don't think it's much safer here then out there. At least out there I know what I'm doing," I said, my eyes looking everywhere but at Rick and Aaron. With a sigh, Rick looked at the ground before looking back at me, causing me to meet his eyes, "Michonne will stay here. If anyone tries to pull something or even talks about it to someone, she'll be here."

I nodded, "Be careful out there," I said before turning and walking away from Rick and Aaron.

My body laid on my bed, Daryl's vest right by me as I closed my eyes and held the leather vest in my arms. Somehow, I managed to rest and fall asleep. I only got maybe two hours asleep when my mind woke me up again. The bad feeling that I had gotten many times over took my body, telling me something was wrong.

Seconds later, I heard heavy breathing and rolled over to face my door, coming face to face with a man.

A knife was thrusted down on me, but my mind kicked my body into movement and I rolled the other way, off the bed before it could touch me. My body collided with the ground with a thud before my hands raced back onto the bed and under my pillow where my knife was.

Quickly, I gripped the knife and stood up, coming face to face with the man. I recognized him as an Alexandria man but had no idea what his name was. Besides Elizabeth, I didn't take the time of day to learn anyone else's names that weren't consider part of the group.

"You're the reason those people are dead, and I'm not letting you be the reason my family dies too," The man said, his hand clenching his own knife.

"Listen, I'm not going to hurt you or your family. It's Negan, he lies through his teeth," I said, but before the words even fully left my mouth, the man charged for me.

The man threw his arms out, pinning me against the wall and holding the knife close to my neck. My other hand, the one holding the knife, stabbed the man in the side, causing him to groan and lean over to the side, slightly cutting my neck.

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