Chapter 33- We Keep Running

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Chapter 33- We Keep Running

I know what you're thinking.

All hell has just broken loose and for all we know all of our friends are dead. Now what? What's next in our plan? What do we do with ourselves?

I can tell you what I used to do. Run, run away to somewhere safer. Run to someone I love and that equally loves me back. Run back home, back to friends, back to family. But right now I can't do that.

Nowhere in this world is safe anymore. The person I love is running right by my side with no confidence or trust that anyone is left alive. Our friends, for all we know, could be dead.

We never saw anyone else leave, we never ran into anyone in the woods, and we sure as hell don't trust anyone at the moment. Not even each other.

My feet carried me, pushing me faster with every step as I jumped over fallen trees, ducked under branches, and pushed through grown weeds and bushes. Daryl was right by my side, pushing himself to go faster. Both of our chest heaved as we slowed down to a stop, collapsing to the ground with a thud.

If I could, I'd chug a whole jug of water and take a long needed nap. But I couldn't, we couldn't. We had to keep moving away from the prison, away from the Walkers that continued to follow us, seeming to never give us a break until night.

Left and right the Walkers would come, both Daryl and I fighting to protect each other with nothing but a half loaded gun, two knives, a crossbow, and a worn out backpack that clung to my back. But once night came, the only light being a small fire that we built, the silence between us was nerve racking.

Daryl was angry. Angry at The Governor, angry at the world, angry at Rick, angry at me.

Silence filled the air as I stared into the small fire, occasionally looking in Daryl's direction to find him staring off into the fire with a blank expression. I wanted to explain myself to him, but every time I opened my mouth to talk it seemed to only shut.

Finally I pushed through my closed mouth and said, "I'm sorry."

No words, nothing, just a silent statue. So I continued in hopes that Daryl would finally talk to me. "I should have told you I was leaving, but I couldn't." Again, not a word, just silence.

God he was getting annoying.

"Fine," I said with a heavy sigh as I stood up, snatching my knife that stuck out of the ground. My hands grabbed my bag and gun before my legs started to carrying me off.

"What are you doing?" Daryl asked, finally looking and talking to me once again. I sighed, stopping to turn and look at him. "I'm doing something; unlike you I have hope that others survived."

"It's pointless," Daryl said, looking back into the fire. My heart broke a little at his words. If he thought I died, would he act like this?

I shook my head, "Maybe for you, but not for me. The sun will be up soon and I'm not planning on wasting anymore time." With that, I turned and started to walk back into the woods. My feet walked slow, knowing that if I gave him another minute he'd soon follow.

Sure enough, Daryl kicked the sand over the fire and followed me back into the woods.

When the sun started to sit up high, I started to dig through my bag in search for a water bottle. I unscrewed the top and took a sip, letting the water wet my dry throat. I handed the bottle over to Daryl, but he continued to look forward.

"Daryl come on," I said, hitting his arm slightly so he would take the water. He took the bottle and took a sip before handing it back to me. "Thanks," he said softly as he fixed his crossbow strap.

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