Chapter 47- Ain't Nothing Holdin Me Back

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Chapter 47- Ain't Nothing Holdin Me Back

"I still can't believe you," Daryl said as he held his crossbow close to him. Our feet stepped quietly through the woods, seeming to put my mind at ease.

"Deanna said I could join you whenever I want, until I can't and I still can," I said with a smile as I looked at Daryl. He smiled and shook his head, letting go of his crossbow with one hand and wrapping it around me to give me a kiss, "I don't mind."

A twig snapping ruined our moment and gained both of our attentions. We both held up our weapons, ready to fire at whatever came. By the sound of the footsteps, I could tell right away that it was alive.

"Come out, now!" Daryl called!

Slowly, Aaron appeared from the woods, clearly surprised about something. "You can tell the difference between walkers and humans by sound?" Daryl and I lowered out weapons but said nothing.

"Can you tell the difference between a good guy and a bad guy? Rick doesn't seem to be an expert at that, but you two can," Aaron said, smiling a little.

"There ain't much of a difference no more," I said, readjusting my bag on my back. "That how you feel about your people?" Aaron asked, surprised by my answer but seemed to take it as a guard.

"Why you following us?" Daryl asked, watching Aaron's every step as if he was really the bad guy. Granted, we still don't know for sure if he is the bad guy or not but right now he seems good to me.

Daryl, he may tell another story.

Aaron lowered his defensive hands and shrugged slightly, "I didn't know I was. I came out to hunt rabbits. I know why you two our out here though; mind if I join?"

Daryl had already turned, ready to go but waited for me to join him. Of course I was afraid that this guy was going to ask questions that we didn't want asked or risk our lives because he doesn't know how to fight. But Daryl and I can dodge questions pretty easily,  and I have to try and give this place, and people, a chance. This is step one.

"Alright, but keep up," I said, turning and walking with Daryl back through the woods with Aaron following.

It was crazy how much things changed once Aaron joined us. Daryl and I didn't really talk much and our nice simple walk turned into an actual hunt. I was surprised that I wasn't as tired as I thought I would be, but I already agreed with my future self that, that would change.

A horse snorting grabbed my attention and pulled it from my mind. Slowly, the three of us made our way to a small field, revealing a beautiful black horse.

Aaron started explaining, taking out some rope as he talked. "I've been trying to catch him for months, bring him inside. His name is Buttons." Daryl and I gave Aaron a strange look making him shrug and reply with, "One of the kids saw him run by the gate awhile back. Thought he looked like a Buttons."

Daryl reaches for the rope, his eyes never leaving the horse. Aaron asked, "Have you ever done this before?"

Daryl, surprisingly, answered Aaron but gained a confused look from me, "My group did. But they weren't out there that long. The longer they're out there, the more they become what they really are."

Cautiously and slowly, Daryl made his way out to the field, holding up his hand to make sure Aaron and I stayed back. Daryl whispered some things to the horse, trying to keep it calm as he readied the rope. In a matter of seconds, Daryl had the horse in the rope, spooking it a bit.

"Hey boy, hey, it's okay," I said, making my way out to the field, watching as the horse settled down. My hand slowly reached out, petting the horse's face as it watched not me, but my stomach.

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