He flicked his com up, 'Is everyone in position?'

'Yes.' They all said. 

'I see something.' Nathaniel whispered, 'West. Be ready. I can't make anything out yet but I can see a huge black cloud.' There was a pause, 'It's them. They are here.' 

'After the trouble with Mark, I'm guessing there is no support from Africa?'

'No. None. We are on our own.' Jaymes grunted.

'What about Garrisons lies? Will Australia? Japan? Germany...?'

'None. Just us few thousand. Even then we have so many wounded already.' Aaron scoffed, 'God dammit!' 

'Calm down. Get ready everyone.' 


'Sir.' Lucius turned his head and looked at the alien who had called, 'We can see a line of humans. Like a wall, one man is standing ahead of the rest.'

'This must be their plan.' Luke stepped forward and stood beside Lucius, 'This is going to be entertaining.'

'I agree. I don't to prolong their demise any longer,' he clicked his tongue, 'How many Tribesmen are there?'

'Five sir.' The alien replied, 'Is that a problem?'

'Maybe. If one is missing, they must be at a loss. One man before the rest. I know that strategy. Aaron. Only he could have set it out like that, seen from above, attacked from behind and from all sides. Very clever but no clever enough. I need all six tribesmen within my grasp. I want to crush them quickly so they cannot escape. Send out our whole fleet and foot soldiers. Crush them all, all but the Tribesmen. I want them brought to me, alive.'

'Of course.' The alien screeched and Luke cringed. 

'My dear boy you are pale!' Lucius said smiling down at Luke. 

Luke shuddered, 'Not feeling the best today sir.'

'You know these pathetic creatures?' 

'No sir.' Luke said not looking up. 

'Liar!' Lucius shouted and pulled out a gun and shot Luke in the head multiple times, blood covering the round quickly, 'Clean this mess. He was of no use. Discard the body quickly. We have a war to fight. Any sign of the "Mark"?'

'No sir. I cannot detect its energy anywhere.'

'Well, this is going to take longer than expected.'




Aaron saw the alien running towards them, 'FOR EARTH AND OUR LOVED ONES! DON'T MAKE THIS BATTLE ONE THEY WILL FORGET! KILL THEM ALL! CHARGE!' He screamed and Tomas ran up with all the men and he stopped suddenly. He threw hands forward to build a wall of gravity. The aliens hit it and tried to climb around. The men behind Tomas started shooting and aliens started to fall one but one. Tomas was holding some back but many were still getting through. 

'Heads up!' Nathaniel shouted as they started firing downwards from above. 

Nathaniel jumped up on the ledge and looked down, he watched as the hordes of aliens galloped towards them at full speed. He looked up and saw ship flying over and dropping them where his team were stationed, 'Targets ahead. Keep your head level men!' He shouted, electricity coursing through him, 'Fire!' They turned and started firing as the aliens ran towards them. 

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