Mafia Afterdeath: Chapter 17; A Lunch Date With A Hint of Bazookas???

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Helllllloooooo every body I'm so sorry for not being able to update so long. My life been all hectic from school pretty much and a sprinkle of family things. Though decided I must write the new chapter!! So let's get back to these nerds!)
15 minutes later Reaper's cold shower trick didn't seem to work. So Reaper just decided to wear a dress even if he didn't feel comfortable with this side of him. Reaper came out the door shyly wearing a nice coat to keep himself warm from the autumn cold. It help hide his large chest size pretty well. Geno just stared at Reaper in awe of his beauty. Man or somehow weird miracle of turning to a busty female Reaper was absolutely gorgeous. How Reaper beautiful blue eyes met with his bright blue eyes looking down at the outfit of his date. Reaper wearing a dress meant for colder season wearing warm white stocking and the black long coat that adored with the white dress. As well his boots being black. While Reaper looking at the mob boss outfit can see instead of his exspensive suits he usually wears it was a simple nice gray polo with long blue jeans and dark brown boots. He also wore a black wind breaker jacket that appealed pretty well. Reaper cheeks ghosted a blush seeing how Geno muscles could be seen quite well by the polo. He couldn't recognize before do to the suits that Geno always wears. "So doll ready to go?", he says holding his arm out like a gentleman. Reaper blushes and shyly nods yes. "Alright then lets go!", he says putting a dashing smile just for the short beauty next to him. They both walk out to Geno's car though without them knowing Geno's family was watching them. As his in laws tried not to squeal happily and his brothers trying not snicker.
Geno helps Reaper into the passenger side and then himself going on the drivers side. "You can drive?", Reaper said a little surprised suspecting that they been driven by a driver. Geno chuckles at the remark, "Course I can drive doll. After all be boring if I was driven around everywhere~.", he says slyly with a teasing grin at Reaper. "O-oh I didn't mean it in a bad way! Honest!!", Reaper flusters as he thinks he made Geno mad. "Don't get so worked up doll I know you meant nothing by it", he smiles kissing Reaper's knuckles. Reaper blushes brightly and looks away embarrassed. Geno chuckles finding that expression on Reaper's face absolutely breath taking. He blushes hard by those thoughts as Reaper looks at him his head tilted. Making Geno snap to reality, "What is it doll?", Reaper goes closer to his face. Geno eyes go wide a bit thinking to himself, "W-wait is he g-going to kiss me!?!? Holy shit! This is really happening!! Ok ok Geno cool it just kiss back when he does. Yea good plan good plan. Also friend downstairs I feel you trying to get the wrong ideas!!", he meantally scolds himself. Reaper gets a smuge that was on Geno cheek, "There you had a dirt smudge", he smiles giggling. "O-oh", he Red as a tomato embarrassed by his own thoughts and misunderstanding the situation. "So where we going Geno?", he smiles looking curious. Geno redeems his composure and clears his throat a little, "Oh that's a surprise doll~", he says as he smiles at Reaper. Reaper nods and they drive off.
As they drive the fall season colors look extremely beautiful. Reaper looks out the window some what enchanted by the colors with Geno looking at Reaper's cute face once and a while as he drives. They get to a small quiet dinner after driving for 25 minutes. "Welcome to the Space Dinner. It's a quiet burger joint I like going to. Me and my older brothers use to come here a lot as kids." , he says fondly remembering those days as him and his brothers dumpster dived through the dinner's trash out back for a meal. Geno holds out his arm for his date and they go in. Running the dinner is a man with glasses with brown eyes. He wears a nice but simple black and white waiter suit with a bow tie. His hair is a almost bleach blond with small shades of orange hinted in there. As Geno and Reaper enter the dinner the man looks up and recognizes the mob boss. "Heya Grillby how's business?", Geno says to the owner of the dinner in a friendly manner. "Quite good quite good just going through a slow day today", Grillby says his voice deep yet somewhat quiet. Grillby's eyes flick to Geno's date that holding onto the mob boss's arm. "Who your date in your arms Geno?", Grillby asks curiously. Reaper speaks up blushing, "I'm Reaper good sir", he smiles a bit shyly. Geno smiles happily and rubs Reaper head, "Yep!". Grillby chuckles quietly at how Geno acting around this fellow holding onto his arm. He can tell Geno was nervous but hiding it. "So what can I get you two today?", Grillby says holding a pad of paper holding a pen. "Well I'll have my usual Grillby", Geno says hearing Grillby scribble down the order. Reaper takes a minute or so little looking at the menu over Grillby's head that's quite convient for ordering. "I guess I'll have one hamburger, fries and a fruit smoothie", Reaper says as Grillby gets the order down. "Alright take a seat and I be back soon as possible with your order", Grillby says as he proceeds to deal with the orders.
Geno and Reaper simply chat for a little bit about mostly the weather out today since, to Reaper, it looks beautiful out. Geno smiles listening to Reaper's excitement about it. Within 30 minutes there order was done. Reaper mouth though gaped open by the craziness of the 'usual order' he gets here. Geno licks his lips eyes bright by seeing the foid finally on the table. "Enjoy you two", Grillby says walking back to the spot behind the counter wiping sweat off his face with a napkin. Geno order takes a lot of work to make especially the fact Geno's 'usual' is literally everything on the menu order twice for each item. Since the dinners menu doesn't have a whole lot of items on it. Geno digs in to the food greedily as Reaper just looks in surprise and astonishment of Geno appetite. Seeing Geno just get through eating entire plates full of food easily. "Aren't yea going to eat Reaper?", Geno asks seeing Reaper hasn't taken a bite of his food. "O-o-oh yes sorry I was lost in thought", he mumbles blushing and eats. Geno just shrugs and keeps chowing away. Grillby just looking at horror of how his regular again eating out his diner.
  30 minutes late they finish eating as Geno pats his full belly very content. He ate every single item he ate that was ordered as Reaper couldn't even finish the fries. Just his smoothie and burger. "You got quite the appetite Geno", he says giggling a little. "Yea I get that a lot", Geno chuckles. Geno pays for the food waving goodbye to the diner owner. As they drive back to the mansion a few suspicious cars are following them. "I had a lot of fun eating out with you Geno", Reaper giggles happily. "Glad you enjoyed your time doll", Geno says smiling. All the sudden something explodes barely missing the car. Reaper screams looking scared and panicked, "W-w-what was that!?", Geno looks at the rear view mirror, "Hang on doll we got company!". Geno hits the gas as they speed up the cars hit on there trail with men holding bazookas.

Geno!Sans owned by @loverofpiggies
Reaper!Sans owned by @renrink
Grillby owned by Toby Fox
US!Bros and UF!Bros owned by respective owners
Art not owned by me
Until next time!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2017 ⏰

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