Mafia Afterdeath; Chapter 6: Hatred

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(Welp here Chapter 6 in all its glory!! Oh my lord it gonna get quite dark. Warning strong language and some graphic description/imagery in this chapter. Though before going into this I must thank u all for the support it been wonderful so far writing this :D at end every week I always look forward to writing each chapter. I love u all so much for it being supported through Tumblr and Wattpad by my story. Anyways enough my rant time to get to the damn story!! ٩( ᐛ )و)

        Geno blood boiled a bit hearing this prick voice. He never liked him especially how he ever so proudly commits crimes and helps human trafficking and part takes in the sexual violence in the city. Of course he also commits crimes but only illegally selling weapons mostly, control over politics in the city and of course deals bloody work from time to time. All which, yes are are quite high crimes. He and his brothers plus the fell brothers grew up on the streets. While also getting into shit situations. He feels bad for those poor bastards stuck to be used in such ways. After all they aren't animals there damn human beings. Especially this prick here so proud of what he does. Such damn twisted shit that even he himself doesn't ever want his mind wondering to. Now though in the present stick is talking to a man he strongly hates and has Reaper. Fan fucking tastic. "The hell you want swine?", Geno says coldly with much annoyance with Darkness replying, "My someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning~.", he says quite coy like. Pappy, Blue and everyone look in a bit concerned seeing that Geno is seething a bit. "Don't play dumb with me you prick. How you get my number anyhow?", though already has feeling how he might of gotten it. Darkness while holding the phone still goes to Reaper stroking his cheek. Reaper whimpers as tears roll down his face. His body trembling with much fear. Darkness didn't have his way with Reaper yet but has bloodied him quite a bit. His clothes torn and stained with blood tied to a chair in Darkness mansion. "Well you see Geno boy I cane to bargain with you."
"You kidding right?"
"Not at all Im quite serious."
"Well if you think on this God earth I ever bargain wit-", as Geno was speaking he heard a loud cry of pain/a sob on the other end. Making his blood turn very cold. Gripping on his desk a bit breaking the wood under his strength. "That made you stop didn't it?~~", Darkness says mocking like as all he did was slap Reaper hard. Reaper cries a bit very scared. ".........What do you want?...", Geno says in a quiet,cold, monotone voice. This making Darkness grin quite devilish. "I guess I better get to the point despite my fun idle chit chat with you Geno boy. I want your territory. For you see you happen to hold the docks all to yourself plus control this city a bit from your power on this place~. I want it all. Your men,your power! It most indefinitely will benefit me in my business I do. Exchange for all of this I give you back this cute thing here.~~", he says licking Reaper cheek. Making Reaper cry a bit squeezing his eyes shut. "I swear to God Darkness if you do anything of touching doll face I'm gonna kill you your sadistic ass!", Geno says growling audibly. Darkness gives a dark laugh. " If you don't meet my demands I make this cutie my personal play thing.~~ So you don't forget about I let you talk to him before I go~.", Darkness puts the phone up to Reaper. Reaper crying says, "M-Mr. Geno p-please help me. I-I-I'm so s-scared and t-terrified.", Reaper says very broken and scared like. Geno heart throbbed hearing Reaper like this making his stomach twist into sick knots. He didn't want this to happen. He wants to so badly just hold and cradle him. Whisper comforting things into Reaper ear seeing that he safe and happy. Singing and laughing ever so lovely like. Those thoughts hitting him very hard and blinks at them. Does he have a thing for this pretty cute doll? He only just met him the other day and yet all these mixed feelings making his heart break. Like it going to shatter from each sob and terrified voice Reaper speaks out. He was soon brought from his thoughts knowing he must of been silent to long. "Don't worry doll face I'm gonna save you. I make sure of it. Hang in there okay?", saying the last part softly trying to so hard to comfort him. "I-I will try Mr. Geno", Reaper hics a bit, "Please come soon." Geno grits his teeth griping the phone a bit "I will get to you as soon as possible don't you worry about it.", he says quietly and comforting like to Reaper. With those final words the line was cut off. Blue slowly walks over to Geno. "Is everything alright brother?", putting his hand on Geno shoulder. "No, everything is not all right bro."
( Boom!!!!! Cliffhanger!!!!
Geno Sans belongs to @loverofpiggies
Reaper Sans belongs to @renrink
Fell brothers and swap brother belong to respective owners
The versions of these characters belong to me and the grand prick Darkness Del Ray
Hope u enjoyed!!)

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