Tag thing

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So I was tagged by @minkki  in a question thing so I'm like "sure let's do thissss!! Also sorry about not updating last weekend this weekend the next chapter will be out so stay tuned!! (Random dark souls art that belongs to respective artist)

Question 1:  Do you have a crush?
We'll do have a crush on Crush Soda (bum de teese)

Question 2: What your middle name?

Question 3: What your height?
I'm veryyyyy tall like super tall. Got giants in my family

Question 4: What your shoe size?
Just say I got big feet

Question 5: what's your eye color?

Got grayish and dark blue eyes :P

Question 6: Last time I cried?
..........maybe like 2 hours ago lol. Watched a tear jerking movie

Question 7: Biggest fear?
Spiders,snakes and loneliness

Question 8: What last song u heard?

Hamilton track lol (love my shot, last ride and satisfied)

Question 9: Last persona texted?
My friends

Question 10: Favorite apps?

Tumblr, Wattpad, YouTube, crunchy roll, DeviantArt and a few others


Anyone welcomed!!

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