Mafia AfterDeath: Chapter 7; The Plan

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(hellooooo everyone!! X3 thank u so much for supporting my art and my story of this fanfic. I love u all so much thank u really it means a lot. Though with that it time for this show on the road! (:3 )
Blue looked confused and worried though dared asked, "What u mean brother?". Geno still hasn't looked up at his brother, "That prick Darkness took Reaper", he said quietly while there an audible crack from the desk. Pap walks over as well. Looking now with curious intrigue, "Who is this Reaper brother?" Geno looked at his brother and realized he never once spoke to them if Reaper yet. It made him blush a little. "He a person I met. Cute thing he is actually....he so sweet and but a shy one. Got a gorgeous smile and the most loveliest voice in the world", says kinda dreamy voice like sighing. His brothers look at each other with a giant shit eating grin. In odd unison they both say, "Looks like someone in love~", Geno jolted blushing pure red. "I-it ain't like that!! H-he just a friend!", saying this completely flustered and embarrassed. Geno struggling to keep his posture by this due to that he now knows his brothers will give him hell about him crushing hard on Reaper. Wait did he just say crush? Geno collapse more being embarrassed thinking to himself that he just admitted he actually really likes the doll face. Wait the doll face! Geno stops his flustered state and turns serious again. That bastard still has Reaper doing god knows what to him. He turns to his brothers, "My dear older brothers much I like to hear your teasing we got more important things. Darkness has doll face as an hostage and he wants an exchange.", he says sitting in his chair. "Exactly what that be?", Red comes in piping in along with Edge. "He wants our territory and our men giving away our power..", he says lowly with much despite in it. The others look shocked and outraged. "There no way u comply with this right!?" Said Blue outraged like, "Of course not!", says Geno. Geno sighs rubbing his temples, "He got me though under his thumb with doll face as his hostage. He don't deserve none of this shit...", says very stressed. They all stay quiet in thought thinking of anything that can help. They know they can't give up everything they built on. Though they can't leave Reaper in Darkness hands. Until all the sudden Geno begins to smirk. Edge looks over,"You have something in mind?", Geno nods, "Let give him what he wants, along with other little gifts~." Pap smirks a little at this, "I like where this is going bro", Blue nods in agreement. "collect the men and all the C4. Lets show this prick what happens you cross the Gaster Family."
( Geno belongs to @loverofpiggies
Reaper belongs to @renrink
The Fell brothers and Swap Brothers belong to respective owners
Darkness Del Rey belongs to me
Hope u enjoy :3 because the next chapter is gonna get quiteeeee interesting in the most feelsy ways)

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