Bostyn first night part 3 & Fawn sees the little girl

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"In we go big girl" Kevin says as he puts Boston who was sleeping in her car seat

Boston just stirred and she didn't wake at all

"When we get home we're sleeping in the tent just you and me" he tells her as he was looking at her

Boston just nods as she sleeps in her car seat

Kevin was exhausted and wanted to go home and put his little princess to bed

(McHale house)

"Okay Boston we are home at last baby girl" he says after he shut the engine off

Boston wakes up from her short nap

"Are you ready to go in baby doll?" He asks when he gets her out of her car seat, and holds her cause she was so little

She nods as she runs her eyes

"Come on we are going to sleep in the tent cause mommy is still sleeping upstairs" he says when they enter the house together

Boston was ready for sleep at this point and she didn't care where she slept at

"Let daddy put the lantern on, so you can come in and sleep with him" he tells her as he went in to turn on the lantern that was in the tent

Boston held her favorite stuffed animal as daddy got the tent ready again, so they could sleep

"Here we go sweetie daddy made it special for you, so if you get scared you can cuddle close to daddy" he says when they enter the tent together once the light was on for her

Boston immediately cuddles close to daddy cause this was different from her room

"Daddy is right here Boston" he tells her when he hears her whimper a little bit

Bostyn settles down and goes to sleep next to daddy

"Night sugar I love you" he tells her as he kisses her

Boston signs night right back to him

"At least you understand lips princess" he says as he closes his eyes and goes to sleep with a good feeling that Boston is going to be better in the morning

(Next morning)

Fawn sees that a tent set up in the living room and she suspects that Kevin and Boston slept there last night

"Morning honey" Kevin says to her when he comes out of the tent with Boston in his arms since she woke up a little bit ago

"Hey Boston did you sleep good with daddy in the tent?" Fawn asks the little girl as she looks at her

Boston nods

"That's good come on I'll fix you some breakfast while daddy gets you dressed" Fawn tells her

Kevin takes Boston upstairs to get her ready while Fawn started on breakfast for the three of them.


"Fawn may i introduce you to Boston McHale" he says as he appears with Boston who was wearing a cute fall outfit

"Hi Boston are you hungry baby doll?" Fawn asks the little girl after a while

Boston nods

"Mommy has your breakfast ready for you come on she'll put you in your booster seat" Fawn says as she takes her daughter to the table sos he could eat like a big girl

Boston signs thank you when mommy put her in her seat

"You're welcome baby girl" Fawn tells her as she gets Kevin some coffee

Pulled from the fire by Kevin and Fawn Mchale wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now