Bringing Adilynn home

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Kevin and Fawn decided to call the other little girl Anastasia , and was going to her a bed when they went out to get the girls costumes. That day was the day that Adilynn was going to come home to her permanent home for the rest of her life with her new parents that loved her lots and really did care for her no matter what happens to her

"The pumpkins are carved, so all we have to do is get the girls costumes, and they will be ready for their first trick or treat" he says as he comes in with Bostyn since she started using the big girl potty

"First we got to go to the hospital and get little Adilynn" Fawn says as she comes in with Anastasia , and Adilynn's diaper bag

"Yes we do and we will have our family" he says as they kiss

Kevin buckles Bostyn in her car seat and Fawn buckles Anastasia in her car seat

"Everyone is buckled in now to head to get little Adilynn from the hospital" he says after he backs out of the driveway

"Yes let's go get the last girl in our bunch" Fawn says as she makes sure she has everything, so Adilynn could come home that day

The whole way to the hospital Kevin and Fawn played the car game with the girls and the girls had a blast with it until they reached the hospital


"Kevin park in the parking garage, and we can walk over to get her, and the girls get some exercise as well" Fawn tells him as she was a little nervous about bringing her home from the hospital

Kevin drives around for a parking spot until he finds one that was a little far but the girls didn't mind at all cause they loved to run and scare their parents a lot of the time, and who was to blame them they were young kids needing to get their energy out

"I'll get Bostyn and Adilynn out of their car seat" he says getting Bostyn out of the car first and then getting Adilynn's car seat from the middle of the car since she was going to be sitting in the middle

"That's fine I'll get Anastasia from her car seat, and Adilynn's diaper bag" Fawn says as she unbuckles Anastasia from her car seat

Kevin and Fawn head into the hospital to get their baby girl from pediatrics or maternity

"Yes we are here to get baby McHale" Kevin tells the receptionist as he came in with Bostyn

The receptionist rings up to where the baby was

"She is up in nursery, and is waiting for you" the receptionist tells the couple

Fawn was excited to go up and get their baby girl from the nursery

"Why is mommy excited?" Anastasia asks Kevin

"She can't wait to get your baby sister, and she will be in our family like you and Bostyn are" he says as he catches up to Fawn who was already in the closing elevator

"Is that why we are wearing our big sister shirts?" Bostyn asks him as she looks down at her shirt

"Yes you and Anastasia are Adilynn's big sisters" he says as he pushes the up button while holding onto the two year olds

Fawn got up there before Kevin and the girls cause she wanted to bond with Adilynn a little bit. Before Adilynn was going to be released from the hospital  Fawn got pills so her body could produce breast milk, so she could feed Adilynn

"Yes I'm here for baby McHale" Fawn tells the women at the window once she got there

"She is in the nursery waiting for you" the woman tells Fawn as she lets her in

Fawn does to the window to see if she could see Adilynn, and she spots the cute baby girl who was in her bassinet

"Are you her adoptive mother?" the nurse asks Fawn

"Yes I am"  Fawn says happily

"Come right on in it's almost time for her to eat, so now will be the perfect time for you guys to bond" the nurse says letting Fawn in

Once  Fawn saw the baby she was in aw of how cute she was

"When she was brought in she wasn't no more then a few days old, so we kept her here until her new family came" the nurse tells Fawn who was getting comfortable, so she could breastfeed Adilynn

Fawn got the pillow and the cover out, so no one will see her breast feeding

"Hi Adilynn aren't you the prettiest baby ever"  Fawn says as she holds Adilynn for the first time

Adilynn let's out a cute yawn

"Come on mommy going to feed you" she says as she lifts the cover up, so Adilynn could root for food

The nurse stays until the baby latches on

"It might take some time for her to get used to you feed her, and once she adjusted it will work out" the nurse says as she helps the baby latch on to Fawn

Fawn rocks as she feeds Adilynn

"Eat up there baby girl, so me and daddy can bring you home today" she tells the baby girl that was nursing

Soon Kevin and the girls appear

"It looks like mommy is feeding Adilynn her breakfast" he says when he sees Fawn in the rocking chair feeding Adilynn for the first time

Kevin kept the girls occupied until Fawn was finshed feeding the baby

"Bostyn, Anastasia I give you Adilynnn your baby sister"  Fawn says as she motions for the two girls to come into the nursery to see their sister

Fawn gave Adilynn to Kevin, so she could make herself presentable

"Come on Adilynn daddy going to get you dressed, so you can come home with your big sister" he says as he lays the baby down, so he could change her

Adilynn had a present for daddy and Kevin was fine with it

"Here daddy picked this one out especially for you Adilynn" he says as he puts my first Halloween shirt on her

Fawn had a little tu-tu for her to wear as well

"Do you mind taking a family photo?" Fawn asks one of the nurses

"No I don't mind' the nurse says to aawn as  Fawn hands her the camera

Kevin and Fawn did some nice poses and some silly poses with the girls before getting Adilynn ready to go home

"She had her shots and everything this morning, so she is all yours" the nurse tells the couple

"Come here sweet pea daddy going to buckle you in, so you can go home" he says as he buckles Adilynn in her car seat

Adilynn looked at daddy the whole time he buckled her in

"There we go now to take you home, but first we are getting you and your sisters costumes for Halooween" he says as the family leaves the hospital and goes to his car

"I want to get Adilynn home and settled before going back out" Fawn tells Kevin

"I understand that completely" he says as he puts Adilynn in the car so they could go home with her and get her settled in

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Pulled from the fire by Kevin and Fawn Mchale wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now