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* Asterick is where I will be leaving off at when I update cause I'm back to being shuffled between two stores again, but I might be off here and there so I might be going longer with updates as well

Bostyn didn't feel comfortable taking swim lessons, so Kevin and Fawn thought they should get the girls involved in playgroup which was going to be at their house to start it off then it will go to different houses every week after that, so she could make friends and maybe open up and swim lessons will be better for her as well cause she has been through so much already in her little life she needed some friends as well to help her cause she had a rough life already

"Bostyn are you going to play with the other kids when they come to the house?" he asks her when it was time for playgroup that day cause the first one was going to be at Boston's house cause Boston was a little shy around others so it made sense as well, and they had a good group coming, and they were going to play it by ear right now with her cause she has not opened up as much as they would of liked with her and that was okay for the time being and maybe she might make some friends and she will be okay

She shakes her head no as she puts her thumb in her mouth right now

"Why Bostyn it is going to be fun you will get to play with other kids your age, and you might find one that has the same things in common as you do" he says to her as he picks her up and spins her around to make her feel loved right now cause she feels like she wasn't loved

Bostyn still shakes her head no and runs to her room after she got free from daddy

"This is going to be fun" he tells Fawn as she comes with Addy who wanted daddy at the moment cause she did not want mommy at all

"Yeah maybe playgroup is a bad idea" Fawn says to him as she bites her lip cause she was unsure herself how this was going to work right now with Addy

"No Anna is really excited to get to know the other kids her own age" he says as he plays with Addy a little bit right now cause she loved her daddy right now

"Yeah I forgot Anna is excited for playgroup" Fawn says to him cause Anna has been practicing the whole time sharing her toys and everything else

Soon the doorbell rings

"That must be our first child" he says to her as he goes and answers the door and let's the first guest in for playgroup

"Must be" Fawn says to him as she goes tot he door as well to greet the parent of the first arrival

"Hi Hannah come on in" Kevin says to the little girl who was standing on the doorway with her mommy right now

Hannah comes in the house and goes plays with Anna as Fawn and Kevin talked to Hannah mom who dropped her off cause she had a appointment

"So far we only have one" Fawn says as she closes the door after Hannah's mom leaves cause she had to run some errands right now and was going to take the opportunity to get some things done as well as her hair

"Yeah and Bostyn is still in her room" he says as he goes to see where the girls went to right now and get Boston from her room as well

It was only Hannah until Lily showed up a couple of minutes later with her dad cause her mom was out of the picture

"I take it she is shy?" He asks Lily dad cause he was going to guide her in the house for playgroup

"Yeah she has been that way since I adopted her" Lily dad says to him

"That's perfect cause Bostyn is shy too she is in her room" Fawn says as she goes and gets Bostyn from her room to see if Bostyn wanted to play with Lily who came for playgroup that day

Pulled from the fire by Kevin and Fawn Mchale wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now