I'm pregnant or i'm not pregnant that is the question

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Fawn thought that this time they were successful in conceiving a child for the two of them since they have been married for a while, and they thought they could start trying for one of their own. Cause she had the early symptoms of pregnancy, so she decided to go out a get a couple more pregnancy test to confirm it, and see if she was in fact pregnant and they were going to have one of their own.

"I know we were successful this time, and we are going to be parents to a little one of our very own, and he or she will be the perfect mix of Kevin and me" she says as she picks up a lot of pregnancy test to take to see if they were pregnant for real this time not like any other times when she thought she was pregnant and it turned out to be a false positive or she had a stomach bug that has been going around lately or something she ate the night before

Fawn takes them up to the bathroom, and puts them on the counter, so she could go drink a gallon of water, so the test was accurate as could be, so when Kevin came home that day she could tell him the good news if they were pregnant or not and she was hoping that they were cause they were really trying to have a baby and they were not having no luck at all having a baby of their own


"Now to wait and see if we are pregnant and if we are going to have a child of our very own" she says as she goes and picks out the room that she wants as the new baby's room cause she wanted the baby to be close to the master for a couple of months and when the time was right they were going to move the baby into a separate room away from the master and the baby's room will be used for another new baby that might join the family later on down the road and that baby was going to be either a big brother or a big sister later on

After Fawn had the room marked she decided to go shopping for nursery furniture for the nursery once again cause she wanted the perfect nursery for their little one cause she was thinking of ideas already for the nursery for the baby and everything that she wanted to do during this pregnancy of she was in fact pregnant and with child which she was excited for cause she could not wait to be a mom to their little one in time or this time if she was pregnant

"I love this crib" she says as she shops for cribs that could be safe for the baby cause she wanted the baby to be safe as the baby slept at night and for a while since the crib will be on a slope

Fawn orders the crib, changing table and a cute rocking chair for the nursery so when the baby was fussy she could rock it to sleep once more to soothe its cries

"Now to wait until Kevin comes home, so we can see if we are pregnant for sure and we are going to be having a pregnancy" she says as she shops for bedding for the crib, so when the time gets closer they could put the finishing touches in the nursery before the baby came

Fawn munches throughout the day cause the suspense was killing her. To see if they were pregnant or not cause she did not want to find out without Kevin there and when they go to the doctors their hopes will be dashed of ever having a family of their own down the road.

(That evening)

"Man I'm beat" he says as he comes into the house after a long day on set

Sophie comes running to her master

"Hi Sophie" he says as he pets her

"Hi Kevin" Fawn says as she brings him a glass of wine after a long day on set

"Thanks babe" he says as he kisses her as he took the glass from her so he could relax and cuddle with her as she had her water cause she didn't want to drink if she was pregnant 

"Well do you want to check the test to see if we are expecting or not?" she asks him after a while

"I thought you'll never ask" he says as he goes to the master bathroom to check to see if they were pregnant or not cause he was beyond ready to be a dad to their little one

Kevin goes over and checks all the pregnancy tests that Fawn took that day and see if they were going to have a little one running around the house in a few months

"Well Kevin are we pregnant?" she asks him as she was waiting with anticipation to see if they have a little one on the way or if it was just a bug that was going around lately

"I'm sorry babe we're not pregnant it's another negative pregnancy test" he tells her when he saw the negative pregnancy sign

Fawn breaks down and cries cause she was certain that this time they were pregnant this time cause she was sick of not being pregnant

"Sweetie why don't we take a break from trying, and see if we can adopt a little one and if it is meant to be it's meant to be cause I am sure there is a little one that needs us as their parents or we can do infetility too cause we have plenty of money for that as well your wish is my command" he says as he hugs her tight as she cries it out cause she wanted to be pregnant and have all of the symptoms of pregnancy so far and she knew down deep that she was pregnant

Fawn nods cause she desperately want a child to call her own daughter or her own son but it looks like that is never going to happen and she will never feel the joys of pregnancy or anything of that matter cause she really wanted to be pregnant and this was her only shot at that experience, and she wanted to take a break anyways from trying cause it was starting to wear her out a little bit and rest was welcome and she was okay with putting this topic on the back burner for now until she was ready to try again and that was not going to be for a while and she wanted nature to take its course with the pregnancy and if it was meant to be it was meant to be

"Fawn it's not over yet we are going to be parents no matter what and anyway we go about getting our little one soon and we can be happy and live happily ever after together just the three of us" he says as he kisses her on her lips cause she needed a kiss right now

"You're right I hope there is a little one that is out there for us" she says as she was looking at him

"There is and i bet you the one that will be ours will be hiding some place and we will bring that one home to stay with us, and we will be their parents for the rest of our lives" he says as he kisses her

"I hope so I'll take a little one that is out in the streets as our little one I just want that perfect child to love" she tells him

"Me too I can't wait to be a dad, and have that bond with our little one" he tells her as he went looking for the stroller that Fawn got one time when she thought that the baby was going to be born, and they lost it before the baby was born

"I can't wait to be a mom" she tells him as they got ready to go for a walk and get their mind off things

Kevin and Fawn wanted to cuddle on the couch a little bit before they headed out for their walk that day

"Kevin I had the room and everything picked out for the baby" she says as they were cuddled on the couch watching a movie

"I know you did, and I put the cute crib and changing table in storage with the other cribs that you ordered when you were excited about the pregnancy" he says as he hugs her close

"Did you do the room in the color I told you?" she asks him

"Yes dear I did, and if we find or adopt a little one that can be their room" he says as he gets up cause his legs were falling asleep

Fawn goes to the room and pictures herself with the baby that they might have had

"Fawn do you want to come with me and Sophie on a walk still?" He asks her

"Sure let me put on some makeup and we'll go" Fawn calls down to him

Kevin leashes Sophie up and waits for Fawn to come, so they could go on their walk still and enjoy the sights around their neighborhood and in their community as well

Vote and comment if you want me to continue this story and I will keep adding to this story every Friday

Pulled from the fire by Kevin and Fawn Mchale wattys 2023Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant