Getting ready for the holidays and Christmas at last

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The asterisk is where I will start to edit again cause I am combining two chapters together into one mega chapter to make it flow

Kevin and Fawn was extremely excited to give the girls their very first Christmas, and they couldn't wait to make memories with their girls especially Addy who was only a month old, and was getting cuter by the day, and getting bigger as well you could see she was loved by her parents and her sisters as well, and everything was how it should be in the McHale household for the moment 

"Bostyn, Anna" Fawn calls upstairs to the two girls who were in their room playing at the time, and they were having a good time as well playing with each other

Bostyn and Anna came running towards mommy cause when they heard mommy that mean come

"Do you girls want to come with mommy and daddy to get Christmas decorations for the house, so the house is more festive?" she asks the two-year old's that was standing in front of her

"Mommy what's Christmas?" Anna asks her as she was looking at her cause she was curious to see what was Christmas and what Christmas was all about as well

"Come I'll explain it you girls while daddy buckles in Addy in her car seat, so she can be safe" she says as she takes the two girls to the couch to explain Christmas to them in a way that they can understand a little bit about Christmas cause she was going to shorten the version and let the church tell the bigger version of the story in church when they go to service in a few weeks as well


"Mommy, can we have a party on Christmas?" Bostyn asks her as they were heading home from shopping and getting everything that they need for the tree cause daddy was going to get the tree up as soon as they got home once they had gotten everything

"Yes, we can have a party on Christmas," Fawn says with a chuckle as she leaves the house with the girls to go get decorations for the house and the tree cause it has been her and Kevin celebrating Christmas, and they didn't have many decorations. Since the girls were in the picture now, she wanted to make the house very festive for them since they have to believe in Santa now for the girls' sake cause she was going to believe again for them

Fawn follows behind with her car just in case Kevin goes overboard with the blow-ups

(Christmas store)

"Fawn, I want to deck out the whole front of the house with lights and blow-ups for the girls," he says as he unbuckles Bostyn from her car seat

"That's fine I want to do the inside my way this year," Fawn says as she gets Anna out

"I'll take Addy and we will meet back at the car in forty-five minutes," he says as he looks at his watch that he was wearing on his wrist as he gets Addy's car seat out of the car

"Sounds like a plan," Fawn says as she heads in to see what kind of indoor decorations there were to make the house look festive for the girls cause it was going to be a memorable one for sure for them cause they never had a Christmas like

Kevin got two carts, one for Bostyn and Addy to ride in and one to put all of the lights and the blow-ups that he was going to do outside with

"Okay Bostyn, what blow-ups do you want to have in the front yard?" he asks her as they hit the outdoor aisle

Bostyn picks out all of the fun and cool ones to go outside, and Kevin got three snow globes to represent each of the girls that they had

"Bostyn, I'm getting you, Anna, and Addy your own snow globe that will be your own, so pick out which snow globe that you want" he tells her

Pulled from the fire by Kevin and Fawn Mchale wattys 2023حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن