The little dumpster girl

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"Kevin I had the room and everything picked out for the baby" Fawn says as they were cuddled on the couch watching a movie since it started to rain as they headed out so they stayed in and watched a movie while they waited for the rain to stop so they could head out for a day out on the town since they have been busy lately so a day together was much needed

"I know you did, and I put the cute crib and changing table in storage with the other cribs that you ordered when you were excited about the pregnancy, and you could not wait to shop and get the nursery together before the baby came" he says as he hugs her close as the rain started to lighten up a little bit

"Did you do the room in the color I told you?" she asks him as she looks into his eyes

"Yes dear I did, and if we find or adopt a little one that can be their room down the road and all we have to do is get the bed they want and bring the dressers out of storage so they have space for all of their clothes" he says as he gets up cause his legs were falling asleep and he saw that the sun was coming out after a while, so a walk was calling their name so they could get out of the house and enjoy what was left of the day as well

Fawn goes to the room and pictures herself with the baby that they might have had

"Fawn do you want to come with me and Sophie on a walk again?" He asks her when he looked out the window at the puddles that were by the house

"Sure let me put on some makeup and we'll go" Fawn calls down to him

Kevin leashes Sophie up and waits for Fawn to come, so they could go on their walk

"Where are we going dear?" Fawn asks Kevin

"I thought we could walk into town and do some window shopping and maybe grab a bite to eat" he suggest to her

"Some retail therapy is what I need right now and it might help with not being pregnant" she says as she grabs some money, so if she saw something that she likes she might want to get it

Kevin gives her some time to grab her purses and anything else that she wants to bring with her

"Why are you bringing the stroller dear?" he asks her when he saw her with the stroller she had bought earlier

"Just in case if we find a little one that way they could ride in the stroller while you walk Sophie, so they are close to us as we head through town" she tells him cause she had a case of baby fever really bad

"That seems okay" he says as they leave to go out on their walk

As they headed into town they talked about different things that were happening in their lives right now at the moment, and the weather, and roles that they are auditioning for

"If we do find a little one are you going to stay home or are you going to be the bread winner?" he asks her as they were still walking to town

"I want to continue acting as well cause i love it, and you can act and maybe start making music" she says as they continue to head into town

"I do want to make an album and continue to act, so if something happens to you. I can continue to be the bread winner for our family. I'm willing to do anything to keep you safe Dianna cause i love you with all my heart" he says as they walk into town, and Fawn starts shopping while Kevin was with Sophie

Some stores Fawn passed up on cause they didn't have nothing that she wanted, or Kevin saw something and he went into the store and got what he wanted. If they approached a pet store both of them headed in with Sophie and got her something, so she didn't feel left out

"I'm hungry babe can we stopped at one of the cafe in town?" Fawn asks him

"Sure cause all of this walking made me hungry too" he says as they head for the cafe that was on the corner, so they could sit outside with Sophie and just talk to themselves and just hang out like old times like when they did Glee

Pulled from the fire by Kevin and Fawn Mchale wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now