Heading to texas for Thanksgiving

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"Fawn are we going to go to your parents for Thanksgiving or we going to go to my folks place for the holiday?" he asks when all three kids were down for a nap cause they were running around, and they had a crash a little bit ago, so the parents were able to get a breather in finally and just relax a bit before it all starts up again  

"I thought we go to your parents house, so your parents can meet the girls, and the girls can meet their aunts, uncles, cousins and everyone else this holiday and every holiday here on out cause they will feel closer to your family then anything else cause they will have cousins that are close in age" Fawn says as she gets online to check flights to see if they could book a flight to Texas in time, so one of Kevin's brothers can pick him up at the airport or his parents can pick them up at the airport

"Okay we'll go see my parents for Thanksgiving, and every holiday as well cause they will be spoiled for sure there then any place else in America" he says as he calls his folks to let them know that he is coming home for Thanksgiving, but get the bassinet out, and get two big kid beds cause he has quite a surprise for his folks when they come into Texas

"The only flight that is available is the one that flies out at midnight on Tuesday night everything else is booked solid for the holiday" she tells him

"Book it I'm not driving goodness knows how many hours with two year old's and and a baby in the car cause that will be a nightmare maybe when they are older we can give it a whirl" he tells her

Fawn sees if there is seats close by each other cause Addy had to have a seat and Bostyn and Anna could have their seat, and she sees what movies will be on the T.V while they were in the air, so they could pack accordingly for the girls and everything else

"It looks like we got to get the girls portable DVD players, and other fun things to do cause they are showing a not so good movie for the kids to watch" she tells him

"That's okay cause we need to get suitcase, clothes and anything else that we need to go to Texas" he says as he looks online to what suitcases that were girly for the girls

"Plus I am going need to see if they can let the girls run cause two two year old's sitting still for that period of time would not be pretty at all" she says as she calls the airline to see if it was okay of the girls can get up and move around

Kevin starts making the list, so he knows what they had to get, so both girls and Fawn could be comfortable on the plane to Texas

"We're in luck they are moving us to first class cause no one is sitting in first class for that flight, and they are going to lay the seats down, so the girls can sleep, and we are getting it for the same price" Fawn says as she was on the phone with the airline they were using for the flight

"At least that a good sign" he says as he continues to make the list, so they could go shopping that night for everything that they will need to go to Texas and when they were in Texas

"Yes and they are going to put a better movie on in first class, so we don't have to bring the DVD players with us along with batteries" she tells him cause the airline asks what movies the girls might want to see

"We better get them just in case though" he says as he continues the list

Fawn decides to go shopping for the basics while Kevin stayed home with the girls

(That night)

"Girls guess where we are going for Thanksgiving?" Fawn asks them

Bostyn and Anna were clueless cause they didn't know where they were going to go

"We are going to see your grandparents for Thanksgiving" she says happily

Then Bostyn and Anna cried

"Girls what's the matter?' he asks them

"We aren't going to have Thanksgiving together" they say between sobs

Fawn's heart went out to them cause they couldn't understand why they aren't having Thanksgiving together as a family

"Girls, girls don't cry me and daddy are going to have Thanksgiving together before we go to Texas, and you guys can help me make Thanksgiving day turkey cookies" Fawn says as she gets down to their level

Kevin's heart went out to his girls, so he decided to do what every good dad does hug their little girls to make it all better

"Yes me and mommy can go shopping for a turkey tonight, and we will Thanksgiving just the five of us cause we are thankful that you girls are in our lives, and we wouldn't trade it for anything at all cause we love all of you with all our hearts. We wouldn't let you guys go at all" he says as he hugs all of the girls cause they weren't very happy at all

Fawn sees that Kevin is comforting them, so she heads out to get the supplies that they will need when they do go to Texas, so another time they could shopping for little cowgirl hats for the girls to wear, a nice outfit to wear on Thanksgiving, a pillow and a blanket for the airplane ride cause it's not going to be comfortable laying on airline pillows, and suitcases for everything and everyone

"Girls come on I'll show you how to make a hand turkey with your hand, and we can make some Thanksgiving decorations for our table" he says as he takes the girls to the kitchen, so they could make their craft of the evening, and hopefully get them to settle down as well

Kevin draws Addy's hand, so she felt included in the craft as well

"Girls when we come back we will put up our Christmas tree together as a family" he says as they continue their Thanksgiving themed crafts

Anna and Bostyn were excited about that. While the girls were making their crafts Kevin was going to put them somewhere, so he knew where they were, so while the turkey was cooking the girls can help mommy set the table while he loads the van up with everything that they would need to take to the airport

"Will we see Santa?" Anna asks him

"Yes maybe tomorrow while we are shopping for your dresses for grandma and grandpa's house we can take you guys to see Santa, and you guys can tell him what you guys want for Christmas, and in Texas you girls can see the Taxan Santa's and wear your guys cowgirl hats" he says as he feeds Addy her bottle cause she woke up from her little slumber

The girls were excited to see Santa as they worked on their decorations for Thanksgiving. Kevin texts his mom that the girls are making decorations for the celebration when they come to Texas for Thanksgiving

I will be working this chapter more and more as the weeks go on too

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Pulled from the fire by Kevin and Fawn Mchale wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now