Shopping and getting Boston settled her new home

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Okay i apologize in advance if it is short let's say the new girl is done and i had to work an eleven hour day so i was not able to write as much as i would like today and like i always do on Fridays when i work and early shift (which i did today and that got changed really fast when she did not show up at all or call to say she was not coming in today or the day before that, and she called off twice last week, and i covered for her) so i might be working crazy some days and there will be days when i don't work like crazy and i can write like normal and i won't be able to update like i like and keep all of you happy. On busy days when i have to close or i had to work another long shift i might do previews and wait until i have some time off so i can get the chapters fully up for you guys in the future

"After we get Boston taken care of i want to go back out with her if i can, and shop for her cause i want to get outfits, socks, shoes, slippers and anything else that she needs too Kevin cause i have to see her size in clothes and shoes cause i don't know what size she wears" Fawn says as they enter the house so she could run a bath for Bostyn and warm her up a little bit too since she was freezing

"That sounds like a plan to me Fawn cause i want o get her sized up as well since she is going to be my daughter and her feet must be freezing from being out there in the rain and her old shoes were no good " he says as he unleashes Sophie and held Bostyn for Fawn while Fawn took the food to the kitchen for the time being until they were ready to eat since they had to take care of Bostyn first

"Bostyn don't worry sugar we are going to get you cleaned up, and then you can have your snack baby girl we just want to clean you up is all so you feel better baby" Fawn says as she carries her into the house for her bath and everything

Kevin helped Fawn clean Boston up in the master bathroom and they even wash her hair too so it smelled good as well since it needed washed

"I'll get in with her to help her" Kevin says as he was going to get in the tub with Boston since she was a little scared of the water in general

"It's okay Boston we want to get you cleaned up is all, so you don't look so dirty sweetheart and you feel better" he says as he holds her while Fawn scrubs her really good to get all of the dirt off of her since she was really dirty from the dumpster and being outside as well

Boston didn't like the bath at all, and was glad when it was done and she was out of the tub as well and in a towel all soft

"Time to put you in a cute outfit then you can eat sweetie okay" Fawn tells her as she carries Boston to the spare room to get dressed and do her hair a little bit so she looked cute for her daddy cause she needed a little spruce up too since her hair was fixed

Kevin threw her old clothes away cause they were passed laundering

"I give you for the first time since we got her Boston Marie McHale"Fawn  says as she comes out with Boston who was dressed adorable for her age and she was hanging onto mommy for dear life as well as they entered the living room

"Boston you look cute as a button princess and you are very pretty just like a little princess" he says when he sees her after she was cleaned up and looked better then what she was

Boston goes straight for her new daddy

"Come on I'll feed you some lunch then later we are going shopping for your bed and your toys and everything that you need for your new life cause we want to spoil you rotten little one" he says as he warms her food up, so she could eat it since she hasn't eaten in days maybe give or take

Once the food was warmed Kevin decided to feed her since she couldn't feed herself right now cause this was the first time she had seen real food that was cooked and not in the garbage or anything else for that matter since she was on her own at a young age

Pulled from the fire by Kevin and Fawn Mchale wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now