Searching for Bostyn

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"Okay I'll be right there babe don't go anywhere we will find her together" Fawn says after she hung up the phone after she got done talking to Kevin

Fawn buckled Lily in the car seat and head back to her house for her little ride-on that was in the garage at the moment

"Don't worry Lily we are going to get your ride-on and then we have to search for Bostyn" Fawn says to the little girl as she buckles her in the car seat, so they could go home and help Kevin search for Bostyn

Fawn was searching as the rain fell, but it was making it hard for her to see anything as she drove in the rain to home, so Lily could be dry

(McHale house)

"Here we are Lily home where you can watch it rain" Fawn says as she brings the little girl in to stay dry

Lily went to go play with Anna

"Anything Kevin?" Fawn asks him

"Nope not a thing I have the glee cast out searchong for her until this rain stops and we can take the girls out to help find Bostyn and bring her home to where she belongs at" he says as he carries Addy who was smiling up a storm for daddy that day

"I hope this rain stops and we can go out searching for Bostyn cause I miss her with all my heart" Fawn says as she goes to the window to look at where Bostyn might of gone at

"Fawn don't beat yourself up over this she could be somewhere where she is nice and dry" he says as he pulls her in close to him as he holds Addy in his arms

"Yeah her old home" Fawn says as she goes to the bathroom to go be alone for a little bit while Kevin took care of the girls

"Lily do you want to go and get your bed, so you can sleep in it tonight?" Kevin asks her

"Yes" Lily says happily

"Fawn I am taking Lily to get her new bed and some clothes to hold her over until we can go shopping for her tomorrow" he calls to Fawn

Fawn didn't say anything as she was still in the bathroom probably getting a bath to relax from the day in general. Kevin gets Lily's shoes on and her little raincoat on her, so they could go shopping for her and maybe hopefully he can find Bostyn

"What Sophie do you want to come too?" he asks his dog who came to the door when him and Lily were going to leave to go to town on this rainy night

Sophie barks

"COme on then we will head in and myabe you can spot Bostyn for me" he says as he leashes up Sophie and takes her out to the car

Lily loved Sophie and Sophie loved Lily

"What kind of bed do you want Lily?" he asks as he buckles her in her car seat, so they could head into town to spot Bostyn and shop for Lily's bed, so he could get it assembled

"Bunk bed please" she says happily to him

"Okay one bunk bed coming right up" he says as he gets in on the driver side and heads into town, so they could get her bed and maybe look for Bostyn


"Sophie where are are you going?" he asks when he sees his dog get out of the car and starts running in the direction of where Bostyn might be

Kevin puts on Lily's raincoat and picks her up and runs after Sophie in the direction that she went at

"Sophie find Bostyn?" Lily asks Kevin as they go after Sophie

"Yeah I think Sophie knows where Bostyn is" he says as he goes after Sophie

Kevin knew that Sophie was with Bostyn, so he decided to get Lily her bed and then take her home and get Fawn to come with the girls cause Sophie knows where Bostyn is and he wants to bring Dianna down to get her and bring her home

(Much later)

"Fawn grab the keys to the van cause Sophie knows where Bostyn is" Kevin says as he comes into the house with Lily and her bed, so he can assemble it later

Fawn didn't waste any time she grabbed the keys and Kevin got the girls and took them out to the van and buckled them in while Fawn was buckling Addy in her car seat, so they could go after little Bostyn Marie and bring her home to stay with her parents once and for all

(Town once again)

"At least the rain stopped" Fawn says as she gets out with the girls to go search for Biostyn

"Yeah now it wil make looking for Bostyn a lot easier then before" he says as he helps gets the girls out of the van and into the strollers that they brought with them

Kevin pushed Lily in her stroller, and Fawn had Anna and Addy in the other stroller

"Daddy wet" Lily says from inside the stroller

"Yes sweetie it is wet cause it rained earlier" he says as they continue the search to bring Bostyn back to them

Fawn and kevin took turns calling out for Bostyn to see if she might respond to her name

"Sophie what is it?" Kevin asks when he sees Sophie come running them full speed

"I think she found where Bostyn is, and wants us to follow her there" Fawn says as she takes off to where Sophie was taking them too

There in the bluff was Bostyn over by her dumpster where she lived before Kevin and Fawn took her to her new home

"Bostyn you had us worried sick" Fawn says as she gets a towel out and hugs Bostyn close to her

Bostyn wanted down from mommy

"Sweetie we came to take you home cause you live with us now not here in this dumpster" he says to her as he wipes her eyes cause it looked like she had been crying a little bit

Bostyn continued to hug her dumpster

"Fawn come on we better go home cause she seems contented here" he says to her as he gets up after he gets Sophie who didn't want to leave Bostyn

"Bostyn I'm going to let you pick either stay here or come home with me and daddy" Fawn says to the little girl

Bostyn climbed back into her dumpster

"Bostyn come on home with me and mommy please" he asks her when he opens the dumpster to see how Bostyn has it decorated

Bostyn wanted to stay there to live

"Fawn come on she has her mind set on staying here" he says to her as he picks Bostyn up to hug her goodbye

Fawn picks Bostyn up and takes her to the van, and Kevin sees if that dumpster can be moved somplace else

"Kevin do you hear something?" Fawn asks him

Kevin opens the lid and inside was a baby

"What is it?" Fawn asks him as she holds Lily

"It's a baby it looks like she was just born, and she is quite a chubette" he says as he feels her

"She is coming home with us to stay as well" Fawn says as she admires the baby that Kevin had in his arms

"It's okay little one we are going to get you taken care of" he says as he rocks her in his arms

Bostyn didn't want to leave the dumpster quite yet

"Kevin there are more baby girls in here" Fawn says as she looks in the dumpster at the babies that Bostyn lined up in a nice little row since she took Lily to the van

"Well I guess we are their family now" he says as he helps Fawn picks up the other babies that were in the dumpster

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Pulled from the fire by Kevin and Fawn Mchale wattys 2023Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ