•Break up•

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Sorry for any mistakes I didn't edit it 😂❤️

{you're point of view}

I run around my house stressing out about my girlfriend of three years. She left this afternoon at 3:00 pm and the time now is 4:20 am. She said that she is just going to 'hang out' with Shawn.

This is the fifth time this week that she has been "hanging out" with Shawn then came home early in morning.

She said that there is nothing to worry about but I see it in her eyes. She doesn't have that sparkle anymore and she has huge bags under her eyes. Maybe she just isn't happy with me anymore.

I hear keys and then the door open. I think that I should finally break this toxic relationship. She walks in stumbling around clearly not seeing me standing there. Great... she is drunk.

"Camila. Sit down we need to talk." She looks me up and down annoyed. "No. I'm going tooo stand uppp ifff I want tooo!" She says slurring her words. I take her hand and guide her towards the couch but she pulls away and slaps my face. Tears form in my eyes while my face is burning from the slap.

I take steps back from her scared that she might hurt me again. "I'm breaking up with you Camila. I can't do this anymore." I whisper the last bit. I keep my view on the blue carpet in the room not having the balls to look up at her. She starts to sob and fall to the ground screaming 'no dont leave me!' I shake my head "I have to leave you Camila. Me and you both know that you aren't happy anymore."

She crawls up to my leg and wraps her own arms and legs around it like a child. "B-baby p-lease don't leave me all a-lone." She says hiccuping and crying. She looks up at me her eyes and all red and puffy. I sigh in sadness.

I lean down and pick her up like a baby. She looks up at me hopeful. I walk into the room that we share... Shared. I place her under the blankets and tuck her in and give her one last peck on the forehead.

I go to turn around but she pulls me on my wrist. "What are you doing? Come cuddle with me." She asks me pouting. "I'm still leaving you Camila." She starts to sob all over again "babb-y no!"

I finally make my way out of her grip after tons of struggling. I run out the door I could here Camila still sobbing and screaming 'I lost her!'.

I jump into my car and go to the only place that I feel safe. Ally's house. I take one last look at the house hoping that she would try and run out the house and try to stop me from leaving her but she didn't. I sigh and start the car.

(Three weeks later)

I'm still in bed crying into one of Camila's old shirts. Ally has let me stay at her house until I can find a new place to stay. I haven't left the bed.

My phone never stops going off. Camila always tries to message me but I never answer. Ding. new message from: my baby 😍💍💋; please meet up with me and let me explain why I was hanging out with shawn a lot. I miss you. Love you..'

Should I let her explain? What's the harm in meeting her? I have been missing her like crazy so maybe if see her face again I can finally move on from her.

You; fine, where and when?

my baby 😍💍💋; YAY YOU ANSWERED! Meet at our house at 2:00? Please. Love you.

You; you're house* and ok see you then.

my baby 😍💍💋; it's still our house.. You still haven't picked up any of you're stuff yet. But I don't want you to though. It's the only things I have left of you.

One single tear rolls down my cheek. She actually seems like she misses me and she also seems really upset. That breaks my heart. I can't handle seeing her upset.

I look at the time it's 1:00 ok I have only a little amount of time to get ready.

1:47 pm

Im ready to leave. I'm wearing a blue and black flannel and black leggings. I take my phone and jump into my car.

I arrive at Camila's house. I walk up to the door debating wether or not I should of even showed up. But before I could turn around the door flys open. Shawn is standing her with a sad smile on his face. Wow I have been here for three seconds and I already want to leave.

"Hi.. Um is Camila here we were suppose to meet up." I say in a annoyed tone.

"Y/n?! Is y/n here?" I see Camila run out to the front door pushing Shawn out the way. "H-hi. Come in." I push my way past Shawn and walk over to Camila. She looks really skinny. Her face is pale and she looks like she has been in a fight.

"Let's sit down on the couch." Her voice was small and raspy like she hadn't spoken in weeks. I frown and sit down.

"The reason why I had been hanging out with Shawn a lot is b-because-" her eyes start to water and she chokes up on her words. "O-one day I was hanging out with Shawn and-" "let me guess you cheated on me?" I say in a defeated tone.

"No! I would never cheat on you... I was hanging out with him and I got a call it was from a doctor... My mum has cancer.... I felt so broken and upset. I was way to scared to tell you so I started hanging out with Shawn more. He is the only one who knows about my mum."

I start to cry I run up to Camila and wrap my arms around her. She clings onto me. We both sob into each other. "Baby why wouldn't you tell me I could of helped you?" I ask once we stop crying. Camila is now sitting in my lap facing me.

"I didn't want you to feel bad for me.. I know it's a dumb reason but I hate when people feel bad for me." I nod and kiss her forehead.

"Does this mean that you're coming back to me? I don't think that I can handle being alone anymore." I give her a sad smile. "Of course baby."

{well I hoped you liked it. I have questions for you; number one should I change the book cover? I think it looks a little boring. Number Two do you guys have any request? 😊💓}

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