•I know about molly• part two

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"Because Y/n You can't cheat on someone if you're in love with them, you just can't do it, you wouldn't even consider doing it. If you can cheat on someone you claim to be in love with, you're not in love, you're just in love with the idea of being in love.... And I might be in love with you." Lauren says.

"W-what?" I stutter overwhelmed that my best friend just said that she is in love with me.

She pulls me in close to her. She wraps her arms around my waist holding me close and tight like I'm to disappear at any minuet "Please y/n just give me a chance. I promise I will treat you like a queen. Just give me one chance... I won't mess it up."

She looks up at me like a lost puppy. Tears filling her stunning green eyes. "Lauren please don't cry, I will give us a chance." I whisper.

"Yes! I finally got my girl!" She picks me up and spins me around I giggle at her.

Once she places me down on the ground she walls up to my locker and pulls out the flowers that Camila gave me.

"You're my girl now. Not Camila's." She says as she throws the flowers that Camila gave me into the bin. She walks up to me and offers her hand I accept her hand. We walk into our next class room together that Camila is also in. This isn't going to end well.

I take my usual seat in between Camila and Lauren. Lauren sits down on my right side squeezing my hand reassuring me that she is there for me making me feel all happy and giggly.

"Hey y/n and... Lauren?" Camila looks down and notices that me and Lauren are holding hands. Camila starts to look pissed off. "You two seem awfully close today." Camila says taking a seat next to me glaring at Lauren.

"yeah well Camila me and y/n are dating now so I'm going to hold her hand when ever I want to." Lauren says pulling me closer into her.

"What! Y/n is mine Lauren!Camila yells standing up walking over to Lauren. "Camila stop! I'm dating Lauren now. not you." I say standing up moving in between Lauren and Camila.

"Y/n move out the way. Now" Camila says in a low deep voice scaring the shit out of me. I finch but I cover it up by crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm not going to go anywhere" Lauren takes my hand in hers. "Babe move out the way, Camila and I are just going to talk outside" Lauren whispers in my ear I sigh in defeat and move out the way. Lauren let's go of my hand.

"Come on you piece of shit let's take this outside" Lauren says as she storms out of the room Camila follows her.

After around five minuets I hear groans and what sounds like punches. I run outside to see Lauren lying on the ground with blood all over her face while Camila is on top of her throwing punches. "Camila! Stop!"

She doesn't seem to hear me as she continues to throw punches at Lauren's now bloody and bruised face. "Y/n. Is. Mine." Each word she says in between punches. I jump on top of Camila making her fall to the ground with me.

"Y/n?! What the hell are you doing I could of hurt you!" Camila yells at me.

"You have already hurt me when you slept with that slut Molly." I pull myself off the floor and run towards Lauren.

"Baby are you ok? I can't believe that Camila would do this to you. I'm so sorry." I place my hands on Lauren cheeks.

"Don't worry princess this isn't you're fault it's hers." I help Lauren up off the floor. I wrap my arm around her waist to keep her steady.

"Let's go to my house I will clean you up there." I say.

{skip to when they got home}

As soon we got home I rush Lauren to sit down on my bed. "Y/n you know that you don't have to help me. It's not you're fault." I take all the things I need to clean up Lauren's cuts.

I stand in between Lauren's legs. "I'm a part to blame though." "Ouch!" She says as I clean up her cuts. "Sorry Laur."

Once I was done Lauren gets under my blankets and pats the space next to her "come on babe let's cuddle"

{ok guys what do you want to see more of sad imagines? Fluffy imagines or gif imagines? And if you have any request don't be scared to comment them down below! 💗}

{ok guys what do you want to see more of sad imagines? Fluffy imagines or gif imagines? And if you have any request don't be scared to comment them down below! 💗}

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