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After that everything is quiet. No more chances, no more breaths.. Time to open your eyes Marcus and see if there is life after death. I look up and see a vast lake, surrounded by green trees and the dark silhouette of a man in the distance...and Adam's lifeless body floating to the shallow shores beside mine. Then with a cough he spills the burden of the drowning water from his lungs.

The man's appearance becomes clearer in the light pink colours of the fresh dawn. He carries power in every step he takes, and his eyes reflect a type of kindness that in our world is impossible to find.

He gently extends his hand and the water draws back away from us as if to obey his command. I observe his not so conventionally but still mesmerizingly handsome face, and then my attention is caught by a light below. On his chest, a symbol appears as the water subsides, a flaming circle with a tree caught in a raging wind and curling waves to its side. The same symbol on my necklace and on the letter I found. The light, as if bursting from inside, swirls around the image, lighting each element, leaving water last. A few more circles of the light around the waves on the symbol and the lake behind us completely calms down. We stumble out and I turn to him with the first and most obvious questions that come to mind.

“Who are you? Are we dead? Are we in the Underworld?”

The man laughs a laugh purer than any other sound I've heard and looks on us with a humble, genuine smile.

“I suppose you could look at it that way. You have most certainly left your world behind. My name is Garrett Rheya, and you are in the Underwild.”


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