Chapter 6- A Close Call

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Chapter Six – A Close Call

The first day of the Tournament was fast approaching, but the closer it got, the less real it felt. I spent a week in my own little house, living independently and loving every minute of it. I still had my morning routine (can't walk around as an embarrassment to my father after all) but I chose which meals to cook (though that wasn't always the best idea), get from the kitchens, or eat with the family (so far just one, but only out of obligation). Not to mention I made my my own schedule and Apollo and Adam were over almost every night. As it turns out I was the only one who broke every vow I made at Denise, as Apollo got distracted with a fight and apparently Adam turned up the next morning actually able to form a whole sentence.

Training has been good, though Apollo's gift, a small steel dagger with a silver finish, was a bit of a misfire as target practice is still my weakest area. Regardless, I did appreciate all the meaningful gifts I got and had no trouble parting with some of the most ridiculous ones, like the rainbow coloured hamster in a fishbowl. Now that was creative. I still haven't gotten to reading the book Conroy gave me, or found him to get some Tournament or girl advice, but I'm sure he'll come around again, he never missed a milestone.

But speaking of girls, Marcus as you're standing here recounting the past week you're making yourself late for your date and your hair still looks like a haystack. As I grab some gel to smooth it down, I hear the phone ring and recognize my girlfriends (that's right, I have an amazing, beautiful girlfriend) voice. But right now she sounds mad.

“Marcus? Finally you picked up!”

“I'm sorry Gen, I had some hairg- I was in the middle of something. Am I late? Where are you calling from?”

“I'm at some bar, I'm just so upset...I had to get away. Just wanted to ask you to meet me by the well.” What is her obsession with that blasted well? This past week we were fine going to other spots in the inner city.

“Oh...yeah, alright. Sounds like a plan.” I respond with a sigh, resigning myself to another afternoon by the well. Probably one where I have to restrain myself from ordering a warrant against her family.

“You're not even worried that I'm wanting to jump?” She says with the hint of a smile in her voice.

“I'll worry when you call me about some dried up tree, not your mother.”

I hear her laughter on the other end and begin to have a little hope that I'll be able to turn the evening around.

“How do you do this to me Marcus? You can always make me laugh...and how did you know it was about my mother?”

“Haha, wild guess...but the longer we're on the phone the less time I get to spend with you. I'll see you soon Genny.”

“Okay, that's fair.” and to my great relief, there is a smile in her voice. “Sounds good. See you in about 20? I love you.”

“I'll go as fast as I can. Probably in 5, I'll be driving. I love you too.”

“Can't wait. Bye!”

I hear a click and I realize I still have nothing on the lower half of my body except for my underpants. Awesome. Here goes another race with the clock.


By the time I reach the well she seems to be calm and so am I. (There's never a shortage or parking spots around here). She greets me happily and we find a bench on the more scenic side. It's all pretty much a concrete hole but there are some real and fake trees on the suicide side. The dumping side is all pretty barren as it borders the fire pit and the execution square (the other popular places of death). It's all very morbid but it's something people (well, most people) have gotten used to around here. You either swim or you drown, it's all a business. The salons, the clothes, the surgeries, the vitamins, healthcare, everything, and those who can't make it just slow the development of our society down. We can't move forward if we're anything less than perfect. Or at least I think this is how most of Gershon's speeches on the matter go, I don't know, I tune a lot of them out and start replaying books in my head. I also don't agree with a lot of it, but I've learnt through the many shouting matches he's had with my mom that voicing that is not a good idea. Still, no matter how much the place gave me the creeps, Genny always made me feel better. I take her hand and she rests her head on my shoulder.

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