Chapter 16- Time Fades

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Chapter Sixteen – Time Fades

The words hit me as hard as a two ton anvil and my first step brings me to collapse.

Before I hit the ground I feel two strong hands grab my arms and the fatherly compassion of Conroy surrounds me in my difficulty. I look up into his old, weary eyes and search for an answer. Is the world about to end before I even have the chance to live? Why is he the one delivering this message. Where is the collapsing earth, the raging wind and the swirling water and fire?

“Conroy...what is the meaning of this...why are you here? What is about to happen? Is my life about to end?” I stumble onto my feet but I am still grasping his arm like a little child on their first day of school. But tonight the world seems even bigger, and I feel even smaller.

“Marcus, it is time for grander plans to unfold. Whatever is meant to happen will, and in time you will see the reasons why, but perhaps it is time for you to come with me and see how your life is about to change.” His words sound like they come with the promise of a great new wonderful journey, but I cannot shake the feeling that something bad is about to happen, something I want to kick and scream and refuse to face. I take a deep breath and give him a look of hopeless panic.

“I know.” He says, putting his hands on my shoulders and closing his eyes. I feel a deep surge of love, comfort and peace overtake me, but with a hint of bitter sorrow. I absorb what strength I can from the exchange and take a step towards my car.

We drive silently, Conroy guiding me down the back streets to the most unlikely place. My home. The palace.

“I did not know those ways also led here.”

“The king does not welcome my presence, as you may well know, but having to come here without being noticed could never keep me from you Marcus.” He says with a proud smile, and I finally feel the kind of connection that I've been craving from Gershon.

“Conroy...” I say before he reaches for the handle on the door. “I have to ask you's a little crazy...” I stare forward, gripping the steering wheel to the point of pain.

“Yes Marcus?” He urges kindly, but with a look that implies he already knows what I'm about to ask. I hate it when people do that. If you know then just give me the answer and save me from the embarrassment.

“Well, you've always been here for all special most significant've always given me such love and fatherly advice...including that letter in the book.” I blow a large puff of air from my lungs and tackle my theory. “I'm wondering if you are in you are my father.”

He smiles gently and opens the gate. I follow him and we head in through a back door towards my mother's room.

“You haven't read the book, have you?” He asks and my cheeks turn bright red. No, I am not even 100% sure where it is right now. I slide my hands into my jacket pocket and feel a small, leather bound object. Okay, so I do know it's location, but know nothing about it's content.

“That's alright Marcus. There is a time for everything, including knowing where you came from. But I feel that it is more appropriate if you hear this particular story from your mother.”

We make another turn and enter my mother's chambers. She is sitting up in her bed, looking as beautiful as ever. Even now her looks reminded me of her power over time. Like the seasons, her eyes reflected the green of the budding spring, her red lips the flowers of the summer, her auburn hair the magic of the fall, and her pale, marble white skin the wonder of winter. She glowed brighter than the sun, but there was a heavy shadow surrounding her.

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