Chapter 14- Second Chances

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Chapter Fourteen – Second Chances

“One second!” I hear the voice of a man from behind the door I'm frantically knocking on.

I finally manage to catch my breath as the door opens and the serene smile of Theodore Clayton greets me.

“Marcus.” He begins, “It is a pleasure to see you. Are you here for Genny?”

My cheeks flush at the mention of her name, not having even thought of the fact that I may have to see her if I came here.

“ mean, I would like to, if she is here...” I try to get some words out of my mouth, but luckily get invited in, despite my awful communication skills.

“It's alright, she's not here right now. But you can wait for her if you wish.” Mr. Clayton says, ushering me into their small, modern but cozy living room. I've only been inside the house twice but it is just as I remember it, cluttered with neat piles of random papers, old magazines, jewelry and books that Mrs. Clayton insists on keeping in her organized mess (just don't let her hear you call it that). I take a seat and try to gather my thoughts on how to break the ice.

“So, how are you sir?” I ask, knowing the answer could be anything from the usual “fine” to the worst condition a human can be in.

“I'm okay Marcus.” He answers, trying to appear alert and healthy, but I can tell that he probably just wants to go and take a nap. “How are you doing?”

“I'm fine.” I reply, tapping my fingers together as I cannot yet bring myself to reveal the original cause of the visit. I get offered some refreshments that I am happy to take but even that only kills about five minutes. I sit there observing his kind but rigid manners and finally pinpoint the source of the unusual reservedness. The last time Genny and I talked I was the biggest idiot that has walked the earth. And if she kept in touch with Apollo, she probably still thinks I'm that merciless asshole I was for most of the Tournament. Of course her family is walking on eggshells if she told them anything. Or if they saw that awful fight during the Semi-Finals.

“So...where is Genny?” I ask, realizing I have been silent for an awkward amount of time now. Please don't say date, please don't say date.

“She is planting.” Mr. Clayton says, shifting uncomfortably as, while not illegal, it is a very bizarre and kind of rebellious activity. Urbanwell was full of beautiful artificial parks and forests made of plastic and sometimes silk, with only a few patches of natural vegetation remaining here and there. Genesis for a while now has had the practice of going out to plant trees, flowers and shrubs that she raised at home from the seed, caring for and H20ing them religiously. It's something that, while pointless, I found so endearing about her, and was definitely not going to go sending her to the well for now.

“Well that's great.” My smile is met with a look of surprise but I also hear a key turn in the lock and Genesis walking in, covered in dirt.

She stops dead in her tracks when she sees me, giving her father a questioning look.

“Marcus was here looking for you.” Theodore tells her, ready to get up, but I protest with a little more zeal than I intended.

“No. That's not why I came!”

“Oh.” Genny sighs, sitting down with a quiet hostility, and I'm seriously tempted to punch myself for my stupidity. However there is a more pressing matter to address.

“Well, I should talk to both of you, is no easy way to say this...”

“Just spit it out Marcus, what is it? Are you here to arrest us? Are you getting married? What?” She urges, crossing her arms with a hint of jealousy to her last guess, which is certainly a good sign for me.

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