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I can't help but love you
Even though I try not to
I can't help but want you
I know that I'd die without you


Today was the day.

After almost two months, today Jack could check out and leave the hospital.

Jack was ecstatic to finally leave the hospital. He missed being able to move around without fearing he'd break something.

Mark was currently helping Jack change into the clothes he had brought that morning. The guys had went to Mark's house, to well uh, clean up, since it looked like west hell at the moment.

As Mark faced the floor as Jack dressed himself, the smaller of the two started to laugh.

"What's so funny Irish boy? "

"N-Nothing.. " Mark rolled his eyes and turns back around only to slip a hoodie over Jack's small frame.

"Do I have to wear the hoodie? "

"Yes you do. Doctor said that you might get cold really quickly, even if it is 90 degrees outside. I think it was cause of blood loss. I don't remember... "

Now Jack was the one rolling his eyes.

Mark helped Jack up off the bed, almost having to catch him from falling instantly.

"Sorry.... " Jack stood up, trying to balance himself. Well until he was lifted off the ground and onto Mark's back.

"Mark! Put me down!"

"Nope, I told I was gonna spoil you when you got outta here. Might as well get a head start."

Jack only hummed a response as he played with his raven colored locks. The two made their way to the lobby on the first floor.

Eliza was waiting on them to get to the front desk. She spotted the couple getting off the elevator. She motions Phillip to bring the sign out sheets.

"Why hello there Nurse Skylar. "

"Fancy meeting you here. "

She laughs at the men and slides the sign out form towards them. "You and your little crew better come back and visit me. Just uh don't bring the blonde one. Don't need anymore trouble being caused."

"Yeah he's uh, he's something. " Phillip added in.

"Noted." Mark pushed the clipboard, containing​ the signed paper's and what not, back to Eliza. Jack was to busy messing with his hospital band to notice.

"Well Mr. McLoughlin, you are free to leave. "

"Thank you! See you guys later! "

Walking out of the hospital, Mark looked around for his car. Ethan and Tyler had left with the guys, handing Mark his key's before walking out.

After about 10 minutes of looking, and walking around, after they had finally spotted it. Mark allowed Jack to slide out of his arms and into the passenger seat.

Mark shuts the door and gets into the drivers seat. He starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot.

"So, how does it feel to be a free man?"

"You make it sound like I'm a criminal. "

"Well you are one."

"Oh yeah? How so? "

"For stealing a poor young man's heart and for being so adorable, it's illegal. "

"Oh? That poor boy, I should probably give it back."

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