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Havana oh na na na. Half of my heart is in Havana oh na na na.


It had been about two week's since Jack met the other guys.

Mark was finally allowed stay nights with Jack. No one else really could, so the guys would just visit almost everyday. Jack didn't mind cause he loved to see what he got the next time they came.

They would bring something different for Jack each time. It was the nicest thing to Jack.

Whether it was candy, stuffed animals, they gave him something. One day Ethan had brought Jack's favorite blanket. Another Felix brought Jack's plushie Sam.

Once they almost convinced Eliza and her co workers Philip and Angelica to let them bring Chica and have Jack come down to the lobby. Philip would have let them do it, but Angelica and Eliza weren't having it.

Mark loved that they were all getting along. He still had to talk with Dr. McKee every few days though.

Only because one of Jack's lungs had almost failed, so now they have to keep an extra eye on him.
Mark had to explain to the guys while Jack was with Eliza, that they couldn't overexcite Jack. He has to stay calm or something else could fail since his systems were still weak.
(Look at me actually properly using medical stuff n shit)

They all understood and went back in the room. Eliza was giving Jack his usual dose of medicine, asking him questions as she went through the normal procedure.

When she had left, Jack begun to snack on the bowl of white grapes that Eliza had left for him.

Jack was able to eat more solid foods now, since his stomach was almost back to it's healthy state. There would be times where he started throwing up right after he ate something. Because of that, he would have to go back to just eating jello for the day.

But hey, at least sometimes Phillip would make it multi flavoured.

Everyone sat back down and continued what they were doing before. The room was quiet except for the whirring sound of the machines connected to Jack and Jack's soft singing.

Well until Ethan spoke up.

"Hey Jack? "

"Yeah? "

"I know it's kinda odd bringing this up now..... But uh, you had mentioned before that you didn't want to go back to therapy. Why exactly did you say that? "

"Oh umm......well I was forced to go when was I younger. I absolutely hated it so I guess that's why."

"Oh alright.... "

The room went quiet again.

It wasn't like 'Oh my fucking christ, it's so quiet in here!' quiet. Or at least to Jack and Mark it wasn't. Mark was in his usual spot. On the bed with Jack sitting between his legs.

Jack was playing Color Switch on Mark's phone. (He'd use his own but Felix shattered the screen messing with it. Thank god everything was backed up.)

Jack failed the same level for about the 50th time, groaning in anger, catching everyone's attention.



"I can't beat this levveeeeeeeeeeeell."

"And I'm supposed to do something about it?"

"Yes you prick, your supposed to help me beat it. "

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